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I don't like my chapter titles, but i keep doing them cause I'm just that kind of person

What even was that? Idk..


It'd been a few days since the whole class had turned on Phil in History. Mark was the only one, other than Chris and Pj, who hadn't suggested that I try change partners or just work alone for two facts; a) he wears colour and b) he made pretty much the entire class look dumb. Wouldn't have happened if a few more of the stupid pr*cks payed attention in science. But that's pretty thick coming from me.


I roll over to see that I've received a new message from an unknown number. Picking it up, I turn it on to see the message that was sent at this ungodly hour of 2pm.

Unknown Number: 'You up yet, Frodo?'

Me: 'i think you've got the wrong number?'

Unknown Number: 'I hope not gorgeous xx'

Me: 'alright, who is this?'

Unknown Number: 'Look out your window ;)'

Me: 'wtf no'

Unknown Number: 'Please, Danny?'

Me: 'who the hell are you?'

"Hey Dan," someone says from under my window.
I scramble out of bed, grab a whiteout from off of my desk and slowly approach my window sill.
"Who are you," I half yell.
"It's Ph- sh*t, Dan I'm falling!"
"Holy cr*p, Lester, here-" I say, reaching my arms down to pull him up.

"Thanks Da-"
"How'd you get up there!?"
"Well, you know that tree in your back yard-" "Yeah," I nod.
"Well, see I climbed it, stepped up onto the ledge and made my way around to the front of the house," he explains.
"Lester, you're so f*cking stupid, you could've died or something! And what's with you and climbing things?"

He shrugs off the question. "Anyways, Dan.. you wanna go out with me-"
"Erm, no. Sorry," I say untruthfully.
"Oh god, not like that! I meant that like you wanna come hang out or something?"
"Well you could've just said that in the first place, you tw*t."
"Gee, thanks. Anyways, do you?"

I contemplate his offer for a moment before shaking my head.
"Not really, no."
"Aw, why not," he asks, his smiles dropping slightly.
"Because, Philip Lester, you're a psychopath who climbs houses and is possibly an axe murderer."
"And you, Daniel Howell, chose a whiteout as your weapon of choice," he smirks.

I roll my eyes and throw the whiteout, which I have retrieved from the floor, back onto my desk.
"Lester, my name? That thing you use? Don't overuse it."
"You've used my name at least four times in the past five minutes so you're one to talk."
"Shut up, you spork, or I'm actually going to to push you out of this window frame," I warn.

Phil takes a step away from the window and raises his arms in surrender. I shake my head slightly and look down to hide the small smile on my face.
He's actually a piece of sh*t, I think to myself. An adorable piece of sh*t.

We stand in silence for a good five minutes before I pipe up.
"Actually, Phil, is it too late to accept your offer and go to your axe murdering warehouse as your better looking acquaintance?"
"Well you're a mouthful of words, now aren't you?"
"Lester, am I allowed to come with you or not?" I ask, growing slightly impatient.
"Yes, Howell, you can come," he smiles.
"So.. where are we going?"
"Oh, you'll see."

I reluctantly left Phil alone in my room, whilst I went downstairs to have some breakfast and get the 'can do' from my mum. Running back upstairs, I fling my door open to see Phil going through my clothes.
"The hell are you doing," I hiss.
"There's a lot of black up in here, Daniel," he points out, holding up two of my shirts which I have on hangers.
"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock," I snap, snatching the shirts out of his hands.

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