Chapterino Four

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don't you just love cliff hangers? ://

"Oh just shut up, Howell," Phil smirks and presses our lips together.

We stay like that for a second or two before I push him away, not really sure of how to react.

"What the hell!?"
"Well, it shut you up," Phil shrugs.
"Dude! You don't just- I can't- Bye Philip," I say, sweeping all my stuff back into my back and walking out of his door.

I'm just at the top of his stairs when I feel a hand grab my arm.
"What, Phil?" I whip around quickly and pull my arm out of his grip.
"Don't go, Dan.."
"I told you, it's Daniel to you. Listen, it's probably best if we work on this at the library or with Chris, Peej and their partners, I- I dunno, but you can't just- Ugh! I'll see you at school tomorrow."

I run down the stairs, out the unlocked door and sprint my way home. My house is only ten minutes away from the Lester's, five if I can keep my pace. A few street dwellers stare at me, but I coukdn't care any less right now. What gives him the right to kiss me!? I mean, yeah he's cute, and it's just been proven that he's pretty bloody confident, but honestly!

I run up my drive way and jam my keys into the door. The house is quiet as I enter so I figure nobodies home. Walking down the hall to my room, I hear some noise from my brothers room, so I figure Aaron probably has some of his mates over playing video games or whatever. Scanning my room for my laptop which I left at home today, I find it isn't on my desk or my bed.

"Aaron!" I call, opening his door. "Have you seen my-"
I cut myself off at the sight in front of me. Aaron and his girlfriend, who are definitely not playing video games, scramble around Aaron's bed, covering themselves with the now screwed up blankets.
"Aaron, oh my god!"

"Cr*p, I didn't know you were home! Oh my f*cking god, Dan- gET OUT!""You heard him, get out you perve," his girlfriend screeches

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"Cr*p, I didn't know you were home! Oh my f*cking god, Dan- gET OUT!"
"You heard him, get out you perve," his girlfriend screeches. "STOP LOOKING AT ME!"
"Stella, if I were to be looking at anything in this situation, it definitely wouldn't be your breasts," I reply, my eyes fixated on a spider crawling across the ceiling.

 "STOP LOOKING AT ME!""Stella, if I were to be looking at anything in this situation, it definitely wouldn't be your breasts," I reply, my eyes fixated on a spider crawling across the ceiling

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"Dan! Out," Aaron screams, pointing to the door behind me.
"Oh yeah! Erm- sorry guys, uh, carry on. Wait no- don't- bye," I mumble closing the door as I step out.

I shake my head as if to clear the brief image I just saw, but it doesn't work. I'd completely forgot that Aaron was still with Stella up until now.

Walking into my room, I flick on my radio and hope the sh*tty pop music can drown out my thoughts. But how am I meant to look him in the eye at dinner? Or at school? God, this'll be awkward.


Chris and I walk into school the next day, Chris high on coffee and sugar, whilst I feel wide awake even though I didn't sleep last night.

"Are you ok Dan? You look really sick, really pale today," Chris observes knitting his eyebrows together.
I shake my head slightly and then quickly start nodding, all whilst staring straight in front of me.

"God, you look awful.."
"Gee, thanks."
"You know what I mean."

We walk for a few moments before Pj joins us and greets us both.
"God, Dan are you ok?" Pj asks.
"Apparently he is, but look how pale he looks!"
"Hmm.. Dan, drink this," Pj says, handing me his bottle of water.

I take a few sips and just as I have a mouthful, Chris decides it's a great time to try be funny.
"Man, either you're sick or you've just seen another bro naked.."

This causes me to spit out the water just as flashbacks from last night flicker across my minds eye.
"Dude lighten up!" Chris laughs.


what do you mean only 677 words? *shrugs* I dunno, I just needed to write something.

anyways, I decided to be a cool kid and use Gifs in this chapter, what do y'all think? {we love them, B, hooray!}

well I'm glad you do, cause I'm most likely going to use them in every other chapter:))

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