Part 7

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"Cr*p!" Jack screams. "GUYS GET DOWN!"
"But what about Ca-" I start.
"Dan, it's too late! Come on," Phil says, and starts practically pushing me out the tree.

We run through the now empty house and out through the open front door. We sneak past the vans that're now pulled up out the front and sprint. We just sprint. It felt like forever before we finally found a busy cafe and sat down at the back.

"The f*ck was that," I hiss, banging the table slightly.
"Those were Colour Bandits."
"Yeah, no kidding, blue eyes," I snap, observing Jack's eyes more closely, mostly because we're now less than two feet apart.

"So basically they must've-" Jack begins.
"Jack, you don't, you don't think I-"
"No, Phil, don't say that, you didn't ok? It's our fault for not being more prepared. And you had the jacket on anyways."
"So then who-? What-?"

"There was a pink shirt on your laundry line," I mutter.
"What was that?" Phil and Jack ask in unison.
"There was a blouse out the side of the house," I say, slightly louder.

Phil and Jack exchange a look.
"Macey," they both whisper.
Jack sighs. "Ugh.. well- you know what, let's just order so we don't seem to out of place."
"I'll go," I say standing up. "Coffee?"
"Can I get a tea, please?"
"Sure Jack," I nod.

I walk up to the teen working the barista and place an order for the three drinks and proceed to stand there awkwardly whilst she makes them. Jack and Phil are whispering back and forth over at our little table and keep shooting me looks that are clearly meant to go unnoticed.

"H-here you g-go sir.."
I look over to the counter to see the girl standing in front of our drinks.
"Oh! That was quick, thanks," I say, giving her a small smile.

Gripping onto the drinks like there's no tomorrow, I slowly approach our table and set the drinks down. The silence we sit in as we sip at our hot drinks, is disturbed by a tall boy swinging open the door.

"Pj!?" I ask, standing up.
"Where've you bee- oh my god."
"Wha-" I begin to ask, confused as to why Pj stopped half way through hi sentence.
"JACK!" Pj says excitedly, rushing over to us.

Jack stands up, and embraces Pj in a hug. Phil and I exchange equally confused glances and I shrug, sitting back down.
Eventually Pj pushes Jack away from the hug.
"I thought you were dead, you son of a b*tch! There's Bandits everywhere! And not to mention you haven't texted or called once in the past two years."
"I had my phone switched off,"
Jack shrugs.
"For two years."
"Um, yeah?"
"I hate you. Can I sit?"
"Go for it."

Pj pulls up a chair, and straddles it backwards.
"So can someone explain-?"
"Yeah what was that?"
"We're cousins!" Jack laughs.
"Yeah, don't you see the resemblance?" Pj asks, moving his hand between both their faces.
Phil chuckles slightly. "Yeah.. no."
"Ah well," Pj and Jack sigh.

I turn to Pj and raise my eyebrows. "So not once, in our what, thirteen years of friendship have you thought to mention that you have a cousin that's anti-bandit?"
Pj hums as if thinking deeply about his answer for a minute. "Not really, no."
"Should I be offended?" Jack jokes, putting a hand over his chest where his heart is.
"Probably," Pj shrugs.

Jack takes a sip of his tea and jumps when Phil smacks him. We all turn to Phil confused. "Bloody oath! The hell was that for!?"
"Your hood's fallen down."
"So you had to smack me?"
Phil just shrugs and takes a sip of his own coffee.

Pulling his hood back up, with a quick glare at Phil, he turns back to Pj.
"You got anything for this?" He asks gesturing to his head.
"As a matter of fact," Pj starts, pulling something out of his back pack. "I do."
"You absolute legend. Should I ask why you've got cans of spray paint in your bag?"
"The city could use some colour," Pj shrugs.
"They're shades you retard."
"I never specified what type they were exactly," Pj says defensively.
"Whatever, I'll be back."

He snatches one of the cans from Pj and dashes off to the bathroom.
"That's not going to be a good look on him," Phil says, shaking his head.
"Yeah well.. he's a so called disgrace to the family for being associated with colour, I may as well help him get a bed tonight at least, even if he looks somewhat dodgy."

I nod at Pj's statement and Phil and I sip our coffee's at the same time. Jack walks out of the bathrooms a few moments later, causing me to choke on my drink and Phil shoves his knuckles in his mouth to stifle his laughter.

"You look- bloody- ridiculous," I cough out as Pj pounds my back.
Jack shrugs and throws the can back at Pj, who hastily stuffs it back in his bag.
Jack quickly finishes his drink and Pj stands up next to him.
"Well, we'd best be off then," Pj sighs.
"Alright, see you at school Peej," I say, smiling.
"You too. Bye Phil."

Phil waves them off and turns back to me after they leave, staring at me.
"What?" I ask, blushing slightly.
No response.
"Phil! What is it?" I laugh awkwardly, pushing his shoulder back.
"You're adorable."
"Yes, and Clinton's president."

Phil tilts his head to the side, chuckling a little.
"Sorry, I thought we were just stating things that're blatantly untrue."

He bites his head and shakes his lip (oH. My. gOd. How did I do that accidentally?). "Daniel, our day's just begun. Why don't we go have some fun?"

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