Ya girl's back with the 8th chapter

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I'm being pulled, no dragged against my will down familiar streets, until I realise where Phil's taking me. Continuing to struggle against his grip slightly, he turns around and shoots me daggers, making me stop and contemplate how his mood changed so quickly.
"Phil, I know where we're going, now can you say something please? You haven't spoken since you rhymed, which I'm not convinced was unintentional, by the way!"
"Danny, as much as I appreciate your dulcet tones, will you please shut up?" He asks, not letting go.
My eyes widen at the nickname he'd given me. "Don't call me that," I whisper.
"Daniel, I'm going to hurt you, if you don't shut up."
I smirk a little at the thought of Phil hurting me, but alas, I chose the wrong moment to fantasise about this colour bound boy as that was the moment he chose to stop walking and turn around. "This isn't how you're telling me that you have a pain kink?"
"What, um, no-! Ph- No, it's just- Shut up!"

He laughs a little as he continues to drag me around a street corner and there was his house. Is it bad that I know the way to his place and I've only been there once? We walk up his drive way and he lets go of my wrist to unlock the door. I briefly consider bolting as it may be my chance to rid myself of all this colour, but that would mean ridding myself of this gorgeous boy.

Someone starts clicking in my face and repeating my name, snapping me out of my thoughts. I jump slightly but calm down when I see it's only Phil, who's back to wearing his slightly lopsided smile.
Phil must've noticed how awkward and sketchy it must've been for two teenage boys to be loitering at someone's front door so he speaks up again.
"Alright, get in you," Phil says biting his lip slightly and doesn't hesitate before slapping my ass. I let out what I thought was a small yelp, but came out as a quiet moan and Phil chuckles behind me.

My face grows hot out of embarrassment and I look down at the ground as Phil walks in past me, heading up the stairs. He's about half way up the stairs when he realises I'm still at the bottom, slightly shocked at his bold gesture from seconds before. Phil raises his eyebrows and jerks his head backwards slightly, signalling for me to follow.

I begin to climb the stairs, looking at my feet as I do so. I hear Phil laughing quietly from the top, and I look up slightly. "What?"
"You're red as a tomato," he laughs, shaking his head.
"Shut up," I mutter, laughing a little myself.

We walk into his room and we take the same seats as we did the last time we were here, together. I let him calm down for a few seconds before asking why he's dragged me here.
He raises his eyebrows slightly. "Seriously?"
I look just to the side of Phil's shoulder, feeling the uncomfortable feeling of him knowing something I don't. Maybe I'm just paranoid. "Uhm," I clear my throat, looking down again.
"Surely you have questions?"
"About..?" I ask, realising what exactly what he's referring to. I shift my hands under my thighs. The most comfortable way to sit, in my opinion. Also, it stops me fidgeting.
I sigh. I really do want to know what we've just experienced, even though part of me doesn't. "Alright, what's 'The Shot'?"

"Ah," he sighs, nodding ever so slightly, looking down at his lap. "The Shot, is something the Colour Bandits came up with, for when they capture us. In the past they've been known to keep 'rebels' hostage for days, sometimes torturing them, before they crack, telling them where our hide out is; then, but very rarely, the kill them. But usually they give them The Shot."
I stare at him, confused. "Nice information, Philip, but it literally told me nothing about what it does."
He makes an 'o' shape with his mouth. "Ohh, so you want to know it does," he said it as more of a statement then a question.
He laughs. "Alright, alright. Basically it turns you against the rebels. Picture a psycho you."
"Oi—! Well, I mean, fair enough, but still."

Mrs Lester came home some twenty minutes later, which led to Phil skilfully changing the topic to seem like we were debating about which Pokemon type was better. Almost as if he'd had to do this before. It turns out she'd come up to ask if we'd heard about an unidentified teenager who'd been found dead in her backyard or the young adults that went missing earlier today.

Shit, news travels fast around here.
"Uh, no, no we've been up here all day, for the past, what, three hours?" Phil's good at this lying thing.
Mrs Lester, nods and sighs out of relief. "Oh, good. Now, listen boys, I know it sounds utterly ridiculous, but I'd feel a lot more comfortable if you were downstairs, in the lounge."
"Why, mum?"
"It's just- what if he climbs around the side of the house-" I shoot Phil a look and he gives the subtlest of smiles "-I mean, the poor girl, looked like she'd been pushed out of the top window of her house after being shot. It was probably made out to be a suicide, in my opinion.."
I nod along with her. "Mrs L, how do you k ow it wasn't a suicide?"
"Oh, you wouldn't have been able to shoot yourself at that angle, dear. The scans showed that the bullet and had gone through in an angle, it was almost a verticals line."
"Oh." It was all I could say, really.

The phone started ringing from downstairs. Mrs Lester said that she had to get it and wanted us to bring whatever stuff we needed down to the lounge. "Phil, what exactly does your mother work as, if you don't mind me asking."
"Oh, yeah she's a- um, she's a detective."
I almost snorted at that. "And she hasn't figured you out? Gang and all?"
"Shh," Phil says, making wild, unnecessary hand gestures as if they'd shush me all the same. "She's chill with the colours, but doesn't know about the gang."
I shake my head, laughing. It was my only response. I didn't stop laughing until Phil beat me in Mario Cart. That should never happen. Beating me, I mean. Now that's a terrible occurrence if I've ever seen one.

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Thoughts on this chapter? Phil's mum being a detective? Do you think she knows about Phil? What about Dan's kink? I'm sorry, I had to tbh. And sassy, not so innocent, lies to his mother, Phil?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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