past revealed

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faiths pov

I waited for her to explain herself.she looked me in the eyes and sighed and started."it was 1944.when I was younger I didn't have the best family.I felt so alone that I tried to commit suicide. I was 17 at the time.and I thought if I was gone no would care and I was right.the night I tried my dad stood over me and said you should of went deeper.the ladies next door heard my screams and called the cops.they showed up and took me outside on a stretcher and the ladies was there I looked her straight in the eyes and said you should of let me die.she looked at me with a surprised look and said god had a reason to put you on this earth.they put me in the ambulance and on the way to hospital,these two guys were the doctors.they looked at each other then at me and said we will make it all better,it will only hurt a second.then they bit me.then I started to get drowsy. when I woke up I was in a hole in the ground with a guy I didn't know next to me.I screamed and he woke up.and told me to start digging. so I did.when we got out of the hole.and that ladies who saved me,showed and explained to me I was a vampire.she said you shall with me until you can control your urges to kill.and I did as she said .I spent 500 years with her until she got killed by hunters and I was on my own.”i think that's enough for tonight."I could tell she was getting emotional. "Dont go" I have to"I said getting ready to walk out."WAIT"yes?"goodnight I'll see you tomorrow. "yes,same time."

Alexandra POV

I wanted to kiss her so bad.but I didn't want to rush things.I can't believe I just told her how I got changed.its a good thing she stopped me there.cause the rest of the story is pretty scaring and I Dont scare her.I want to see her smile that beautiful smile.

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