chapter 7

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my room was so awesome.I'm not going into detail cause I don't want you to be jealous. so any way right now Im training with steve.i was getting a drink.when he ran toward me thinking i wasnt paying attention.he went to tackle me.i grabbed his arm flipping him onto his back.he landed with a thud.

"dat 'ill teach her"

"how"he yelled

"well it cud 'av been de battle cry."

i could feel someone watching me.i looked up to see faith and her friends staring at me.but when i looked they all looked away.i just went back to training.

"so theres this party tonight and i was wondering if you wanted to go"steve asked.

"party aren't really my tin'

"come on it will be fun"


"come on its the last party before school starts"


"why maybe"

"cause it depends if im in the mood or not."


I looked at faith to see her flirting with some guy.i could feel jealousy creeping,i looked away

"you know what..what time should i be ready."

"awesome.ill pick you up at 8."


later that night I was getting ready for the party.when I sensed faith behind be in the doorway

"that's really creepy you know that right?"

"where are you going?"

"does it matter"I asks with a raised eyebrow and attitude.when i don't get an answer I turn to look at her.

"did you want something or what?"

"never mind"she said with sad eyes.

I couldn't find myself to care.right after she left Steve 

 came to popped up in the door way just as I finished my make up.

"you ready"

"yeah,I'm droot"


"it means I'm in the mood for some alcohol"

"oh ok."

as we walk into the party I could sense faith here.

Steve turned to me.

"I'm going to get us some drinks"

"okay"I wondered around talking to a few people.i went to get a drink when i saw faith with a guys tounge down her throat.not just any guy...Steve. of fucking course.I just turn away.if she can do that then so can i.he knows she's my mate and he's my best friend.I just walk out and run to I walk I see a Irish pub.I go in and order.I look over see a cute girl making sex eyes at me.I wink at her and she giggled.I make my way over to her.



"I'm Alex"

"I'm kayla"

"well Kayla,you are very beautiful"

"thank you.your not so bad yourself"

"well thank ye darlin"

"I love you accent,why are you here if you have an Irish accent."


an hour later and ten Yeager bombs later Kayla and me stumble out of the bar laughing.

" can I have your number?"

"yeah sure"she said reaching into her purse.handing me her phone.and i hand her mine.

"I'll see you around"


love is love (girlxgirl)(vampire/werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now