I told you it would only take like 20 minutes. Yes my cover is Red Velvet...sue me.

But anyways...I need a good intro.


Hello everybody my name is Marki-

No that's copyright.


Also copyright.


Don't even finish.

Alright well, I'll guess I'll put the Voltron Intro here.

I couldn't find the actual intro so here's the song.

Also bonus: Wings Intro



For those of you reading this mess who are new. Hi I'm Mari and I'm weird, also a very big downer who's in college and writes. Also a bisexual with equal preference in men and women, and I say I'm gay a lot. And make a lot of gay jokes. I love puns too. I have anxiety and am a huge mess so if I don't respond to your comment I'm either not very willing because I don't know what to say or I see it and I just forget to comment all together.

I promise I'm nice, I just have strong political views also I have things I hate in the world so, Please relax.

I'm a huge closet nerd. I like Dungeons and Dragons. If that doesn't scream nerd to you then idk what to tell you. Also yes I like anime.

Also I cuss a lot. Younger people please view accordingly.

Also a huge follower of the meme religion.

Honestly if you read this you're going into mess and ride. If you stay I hope you like it.

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