Hey look it's a Rant

37 7 23

I'm Tired™️ and still angry from being forced/rushed around to get something. So Imma vent if that's ok with you. Not like people read these things anyways.

If you are high key sensitive/offended then I recommend you not read this. If you do it anyways then idk what to tell you.

What I'm about to talk about is Fetishization. Yep.

What is fetishization? Basic dictionary definition is: it's basically having a strong liking for something in an unhealthy way. Or also sexual pleasure from something not related to you in the slightest.

Why am I talking about this?

Because fandom culture is full of it and it's gross and unhealthy behavior that effects people in a negative way. What I'm going for is both Racial fetishism and sexuality fetishism.

Which means yes, we're going into yaoi territory. God I hate Yaoi fangirls. You know those types, calls their gay ships sinning, turns anything even remotely gay and fluffy and sfw into nsfw content. Drawing fucking porn of LGBT minors. And yes I'm going to specifically point to In a Heartbeat for this because unfortunately I have found disgusting content of two, minor gay teens. I'm??? Honestly so disgusted??? And done??? I mean whatever helps you sleep at night go ahead and draw it. Just don't post it on public where actual minor LGBT teens will see it. Because that will actually hurt them.

It's always the ones who are gay, bi, etc. who are sexualized by the str8s and honestly it's so uncomfortable. To the str8s these relationships are seen as porn movies, and to instill that on a minor who is trying to understand their sexuality is so wrong it's a crime. A literal crime. And then you got the crazies who point at real mlm or wlw couples. Or those who fetishize same sex relationships or even gender identity and are really homophobic or transphobic. Ugh.

Also all the mlm who have valid reasons for arguing against these women (cause let's be real a majority are str8 women), get shut down or called out or basically bullied because they're expressing how uncomfortable they feel. Most of the time I see it it's like bringing women being oppressed into the argument? Like seriously? That's a whole different issue not even related to what the subject is. Tired of those weak excuses. There's a lot more to this but I would have to go into uncomfortable territory for it.

Now onto Racial fetishizing. You know where this is going

Yep the Kpop crazies. Those types of people.

Also in general I sometimes see this and it is G R O S S.

Now fam, I realize not all people are like this. But I can never tell
Because I'm hit with so much koreaboo crap sometimes, I wish for the sweet release of death. Or even on Tumblr I see regular people telling real life stories of how negatively impacted they were because someone was fetishizing them for their race, skin color, etc. I'm all for learning about new countries, cultures, people, etc. but please some people gotta CHILL.

And all those koreaboos and weeaboos gotta high key stop. You tell them but they don't listen. Please stop fetishizing South Korea and Japan. Don't make friends with people because they're of a certain race (for example making friends with someone of Korean ethnicity because of a Kpop obsession.) It's gross and shows how shallow of a person you can be.

Also what's with this "I wish I was born in Korea" thing going on? Like???? I'm confused??? Ok ngl, all countries are problematic, they have problems and are not magically better than the country or culture you grew up with. Sure some are better in terms of health, safety, etc. but like?? Wishing you were born in Korea cause of Kpop idols? I don't get it.

I understand wanting to visit South Korea, cause there are certainly a lot of things to see and do there (low key I wish to go to South Korea comic con, and the Comic cons in Japan cause I hear those are lit.) but like don't be that one guy who goes to fawn over the people/race. Cause that's honestly so nasty.

Why are certain people like this?

Fandom culture is so toxic.

I guess I'm done....for now. There's always a sudden release of tension when you write out your feelings.

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