New Year Thing

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I asked earlier if people wanted to see some special new years chapter and I'm late as usual. And it's only half cause this thing turned out longer than expected. Also this is me posting something very informal with my characters. 

Aka the writing is novelesque but it's more fun. Also few things to note, a lot of this is my original work 

(except for Isa and Matt they're Reina_de_Naipes character's and yes Isa and Nova are shipped together.)

So there's a world and characters that you don't know about cause I didn't share anything (mostly cause I'm just really nervous). Basically the setting is all sci fi because they're on a colony on a different planet. I'm still working on lore and world building but that's the basic of the basics. 

Physical descriptions would be provided in detail but that'll take to long here. So I'll mention it when the whole thing is finished.

Also this is unedited


New Year's, a time of new beginnings and a time for some people to make a fresh start. At least that was what it meant for some people, and for others it's a time of celebration with friends and family. At least it was supposed to be...

"ORION!" A loud screech resonated throughout the room, the two small kids cringing at the loud piercing voice. A small, yet very angry looking girl stomped her way into the room. Her eyebrows were creased, and her teeth grit and looked to shatter if she clenched her jaw any harder. Her expression mirrored that of an angry bull ready to charge. She glared across from where the two kids were sitting in front of each other, they both looked with raised eyebrows and wide eyes and then looked over to where she glared.

"Myung why're you yelling at big brother?" The little girl, Ophelia, asked pointing to the boy who laid on the sofa. His limbs were dangling off the edge, and his eyes were closed in relaxation, he didn't seem to stir from Myung's loud yell and only shifted facing away from them. Myung rubbed her temple in irritation, feeling veins pop on her forehead from Orion's action. It astounded her that they all treated the day so leisurely. She couldn't handle the stress of today of all days, it was New Years Eve and they were going to go to the big celebration happening in the city hall. Plus two of their friends were supposed to come over soon. They all could show at least a bit of urgency. Letting a huge sigh pass her lips, she smiled at Ophelia, although her eyebrow still twitched. "Ophelia, could you do me a big favor and wake your idiot of a brother?" She asked, the gentle tone became harsh near the end, but Ophelia simply nodded setting down her stalk of cards gently on the floor. She walked up next to Orion, who started snoring, and poked him in his arm. When he didn't budge she tried again, this time poking his leg, side, and even cheek. She grumbled when she received no reaction, so she opted to climb the sofa and jump on him. She sat on his side, still not seeing him wake up except he let out a loud groan, and once again he shifted, enough so that Ophelia fell on the floor. She yelped in pain, lying on the floor curling her body to try and find relief from the pain, little tears pricking her eyes. Myung became even more pissed, while Sid, the boy, went and helped her up. He then scrambled to the kitchen for a minute, and ran back out holding a paper towel full of ice. Myung stampeded over, in a flash she grabbed the sheet covering the entire sofe, and with all of her strength she yanked it. The other two scrambled back before they were crushed underneath Orion who flipped over onto onto the floor. He yelled as he fell, and groans left him as he was left lying in contact with the hard surface. The three watched him roll around for a minute, until he abruptly sat up and glared at the equally irritated Myung. He stalked over until they were both standing in front of each other, the other two shuddered feeling a heavy tension in the air.

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