Peek a Boo

40 5 43

I used Red Velvet's comeback MV as a title name. Listen I'm gay and I love them.


This is a check up chapter. Life updates, writing updates, etc.

(Just quick warning, slight mentions of self harm and suicide.)

As for life, I am almost done with the semester. Fall break is right now which is why I have free time. I'm not even gonna think about school for a week fuck that. College is, ehhh? I'm taking hard classes but I'm still shit. I am confirmed for ADHD testing on campus soon, after break. I love my new therapist. It's gonna be a while before this depression and these intrusive thoughts stop. I was literally on emergency call today cause I finally acknowledged I was in danger instead of keeping it to myself. I'm not failing anymore so that's a thing. I think people in the discord chat now hate me cause they ignore my existence. Also my dad isn't doing so hot, aka diabetic and High blood sugar is not good at all. So that's been stressing me out. I have been close to self harming, three times, suicide one time (literally the only person who kept me alive was my mother since she forced me into therapy). That all has been paused and I'm in early weekly therapy now. I've acknowledged all this with my therapist.

I deserve the hate for how I act sometimes...

THEY KILLED THIS COMEBACK. I WAS SOBBING AND FREAKING OUT AT 4 AM I LOVE THIS GROUP. Red velvet can shoot me all they want-//slapped

I'm so excited that this concept was so unique. They weren't chasing after the pasty white guy (thank gOD). Their visuals? Fucking gorgeous. Their music? A bop. Their dancing? Lit af.

Apart from Kpop, I've been writing more. In my secret document of secrets, secretly. Including:
This one short story I'm working on as a creative assignment
OC things
Original stuff

They're all small blurbs, some are longer. The poetry is like 2 pages.

If you want some uploads of these piles of garbage just tell me.

Also in FE Heroes I got Mia and she's a BEAST. I'm so excited for Fjorm though. //cough my new FE wife //cough. I'm ready, my entire being is ready.

I'm thinking of making one of those character accounts for Fjorm....
Idk, it's possible.

Anyways that's me, my life and all that shit. Updating on Wattpad feels foreign now. It's been like months. Updates are on standby, for tomorrow. Cause I'm tired.

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