Potential Story?

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I guess, if you call a writing experiment a story...

This was a Female (reader I guess since it's in second person) x Allura. High school AU!

Basically, Allura's a senior; you, Lance, Keith, and Hunk are juniors, and Pidge can either be a sophomore or freshman. And Shiro's a college junior already with Matt.

This is basically what I wrote:
There she stood again, in front of the entire 2nd year class talking about the school and other things that you weren't paying attention to. You mostly just stared at her, the way her voice sounded strong as well as passionate and it made your heart flutter. All while blessing you ears. Her posture tall and poised, showing how serious she looked. Her eyes shining as she continued to talk showing just how excited she appeared about what she talked about. How lucky you were to be sitting in the front row. You always loved staring at her eyes, they were the right shade of blue to remind you of pools. And you always drowned in those pools, not that you minded. Everything about her, it peaked your interest and curiosity. Too bad you never had a one to one conversation with her. Being the student council president proved to be a big job, but she did it so well. Unfortunately that costed her a lot of time, especially considering she was in her last year of high school.

You always wanted to get closer, but something always got in the way. A majority of the time it would be your lack of confidence and cowardice that would leave you wallowing on your bed for hours in disappointment. You almost gave up, but those moments where you see her in the hall with that smile that could radiate the entire hall you felt determined. You buried yourself so deep in your trance that you nearly fell out of your seat when you felt someone jab their finger into your side. Thankfully you didn't let out a scream like usual otherwise you wouldn't know what would happen with hundred's of student eyes on you. You would probably faint... or die.

You glared at the the boy next to you, as he held in his laughter at the expense of getting in trouble. "Why'd you do that Lance?" You hissed through your teeth quietly. He composed himself, still snorting through his nose. "I had to unless you wanted to start drooling. You didn't even blink for 10 minutes." He whispered. You blushed slightly, not realizing you were that deep in a trance. "So you're still crushing on the third year president I see." He grinned while wiggling his eyebrows. You rolled his eyebrows, he was always so childish. But you couldn't deny his statement as it was 1000 percent true.
"So? I don't get what's amusing?" You asked turning your attention back to the stage.

"I mean it's just cute. You're usually anti social or emotionless, a lot like Keith, but just one glance and she turns you to mush easily. It's like something from a bad romance novel." He commented. You really wanted to smack his shoulder but unfortunately the setting was inappropriate.

"Funny how you mention your boyfriend when you say anti social. You must think about him a lot." You teased back, that made him shut up and blush profusely.

"Can you guys not talk about that when I'm sitting right here." Came a low voice to your left, you only grinned at the black haired male. "Sorry Keith." You apologized while Lance was still sitting silent with his red face. You listened as she finally said her closing remarks and the assembly concluded with some words from the principal. You stretched, after not moving for a good hour it felt nice and glanced at Allura as she talked with one of the teachers. "You're staring again~" Lance called out in a sing song voice and you grumbled to yourself. Keith did you a favor by smacking the boy's arm and then placed a hand on your shoulder. "Just go up and talk. It's really not that hard." He said, a little blunt, the way he said it made you more frustrated.

"Easy for you to say. You're friends with her, and not to mention you're all pretty popular for good reasons."

Just a start.

I don't really know how to progress. Growing romance? Should I throw in some plot twists? Idk yet.

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