
23 5 22

Warning; Kinda dark?

For the longest time,

I was no longer walking,

I am crawling,

Crawling with the last of my strength.

I am deprived,

I am hurt,

I got the bare light of my life stripped away from me,

From the spirit that follows me everywhere.

No one can see them,

But they're the most cruel,

But they're the most grotesque of all creatures,

They've been following me for as long as I remember.

Dreaded course whispers in my ear,

That feel like the harsh whip of metal,

On my now damaged skin,

They cut like a knife.

They stripped me,

They clipped my wings,

The wings I would use to travel to my own independence,

I am left crawling.

It's a battle,

They're out for my life,

And I feel suffocated,

And no one can see them.

I am isolated, alone,

Maybe it's because of my own cowardice,

Weakness that I give into their beatings and beratings,

They slice at my throat until I am left mute.

I've been stripped of my own person,

And everyday I wish I could be free of this,

I want to yell, scream, cry,

But they all fade to nothingness

After all it's only me,

Just me,

My scarred body and maimed image,

And the invisible thing that caused my downfall.

My therapist and I brainstormed ideas that are alternative to self harm and I thought of poetry/writing. So I thought, why not, I would share them. Also I'm working on a short story for this class and an essay and it's basically just a bunch of writing. I'm just showing I'm not dead (suredofeellikeitthough).

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