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Yesenia’s POV

Once upon a time in a kingdom far far away…..what is this Shrek?? Haha *ahem clears throat* ok getting serious now….

My name is Yesenia Rios your typical down to earth 17 year old girl. I have light brown hair, green eyes, I am light skinned, and I am about 5'7". I am an only child which sucks but I have 3 best friends; Janice, Clarisse, and Jacob whom I consider my siblings since we grew up together so that kind of makes up for it. Their parents and My parents have been best friends since high school.

My parents own a clothing company unfortunately it is going through a rough patch right now and if the company does not start producing some steady income we will be bankrupt in 2-3 months tops. If it were my choice I would just file the corporation for bankruptcy but my parents are attached to it, I really can't blame them they have had the company for 20 years now, but the company hasn't been producing for the past year and our funds are running out. It is not a smart move to keep it but they have hope that it will prosper.

Well back to me, I like to hang out with my friends and even though I really don’t like school I’m a straight A kind of girl. I enjoy reading, also watching anything funny on tv, and I love to dance.

So as you can tell this story is going to be about moi…about the day my life changed into a freaking rollercoaster. My life was always predictable…

i would wake up do my morning routine, eat breakfast by myself since my parents leave the house before the sun comes up, then i head to school and be bored out of my mind while I'm there, come home to Eat dinner by myself again since my parents come back home until after I'm asleep.

I know exciting…huh?? Never changed, until one day I went to the doctor for a regular checkup and next thing I know I am coming out of my doctors office crying my eyes out because they told me I only have 4 months left to live. That is definitely not something I wanted to hear. I was still in denial asking the normal questions in this type of situations….why me?? What did I do to deserve this?? I haven’t even started living yet…and then it hit me it’s a dream it must be right?? So next thing I do definitely proves I'm not dreaming and it leaves a nasty bruise while I'm at it….yes I pinched myself not the brightest idea I know but had to try.
So after moping around for 3 days I decided that I was going to live my last few months to the fullest, and that my friends is where this story begins…..

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