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   Greetings, hopeful new friends. This is my brain dump book, where I shall be putting any random shit that might pop into my head at any time. There will probably be days where, if you are reading this and it's in your library, your phone or whatever you're reading this on will go off at three in the morning because I posted a chapter entirely about penguins. I'm warning you now.
   I'll be posting a lot of random things like that. There will be lot of random memes, and a lot of random facts that no one gives any fucks about. Lots of random anything, really. It won't be likely any two chapters will be the same, because I'm probably not what you would consider sane. I'm extremely OCD about grammar and spelling. If anyone can find a major mistake and tells me about it politely, I'll give you a prize. Like a penguin. Unless that mistake was on  purpose or minor, like I wrote something at five in the morning after staying up all night with a friend and mistook an "m" for an "n", or something like that and autocorrect didn't autocorrect it because autocorrect sucks dick. I just said the word autocorrect way too many times.
   However, I write mostly because I think the random thoughts in my head might be entertaining or interesting for some people. I have some ground rules for you. If you decide to disregard these ground rules, you probably won't be very well entertained. (Well, they aren't so much as rules than things I'm going to do and if you don't like them get out. I don't mean to be rude.)
  First, if you don't like memes, headcanons, puns, rhyming (which there won't be much of, but I might occasionally make jokes about it or quote certain movies), technicalities (which I LOVE to point out and annoy annoying people with) fandoms, ships, gay ships in particular (Solangelo, Stucky, Septiplier and Malec are my main ones currently), books, sci-fi or fantasy movies generally but not always based off of books, people going off on tangents about the most random things, or if  you LITERALLY HATE FUN, then there should be a "back" button somewhere on the screen that you're reading this on. Hit that ("No, don't hit it, just press it gently,") and get the fuck out now.
   Second, if you haven't already noticed, I like to swear. You don't like swearing, get out. There's a reason I rated this shit mature. You know where the exit is.
   Third, I will make references to fandoms while talking about something completely unrelated. If that sort of thing irritates you, which I've heard it does irritate some people occasionally, you'll want to leave immediately. For instance, the "No, don't hit it, just press it gently," above was a quote from the Marvel character of Loki, if you didn't get it.
   Fourth, I'll go off on rants all the time. I mentioned this in the story description, and I'm mentioning it now. I'll be talking about one thing, then I'll go off on a rant about another for three paragraphs before I get back on track​, if I get back on track at all. I do that a lot. I get distracted a lot.  Sometimes I can stay completely on track, but I can go on for paragraphs and paragraphs about the same topic because I get triggered quite easily and sometimes I just need to rant about a certain topic. I will try to keep the ranting at a minimum, however, or I at least won't post rants more than twice in a row. I'll break it up with posts with different categories of memes.
   You know what, I don't particularly like the number five, those of you who read the I Am Number Four series should understand, so let's just call this the eighth rule because Eight is fabulous and he deserves his own rule. Eighth, but MOST IMPORTANTLY, there is NO judging by appearance here. NONE OF IT. If you have a comment that is rude or demeaning, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. This and any other books I may write is and are SAFE PLACES. There will be NO bigotry, racism, sexism, anti-ANY-religion-ism or WHATEVER the fuck that's called, homophobia, xenophobia, or ANYTHING ELSE I may have forgotten to mention (I apologise if I forgot something that applies to one of you) that can be classified as judging someone by exactly ANYTHING OTHER THAN THEIR PERSONALITY. Being a woman who has an INCREDIBLE friend who is gay and gets a lot of shit about it at school yet still keeps his head up and cracks jokes about it all the time, I don't LIKE that shit. At ALL. So NO. FUCK TO THE NO. NONE OF IT. And yes, I realize there really isn't a way for me to enforce this rule, or any rules for that matter. However, I really do hope you listen to it anyway. Any of you are of course welcome to read all you want. Just, if you have a comment that falls under any of the categories I listed above, PLEASE keep it to yourself. You don't know how much a comment like that might hurt someone. Honestly, neither do I, but I don't want anyone to have their self-esteem lowered because of anything said on something I wrote. You're all perfect the way you are, unless you're a douchebag that thinks everyone is below you and you can judge other people because someone else is different from you. News flash: we're all different. We're all special in our own ways. That doesn't make you superior to anyone. You might be better than a few people at a couple certain skills, everyone's bound to be, but in no way is any one person in this world better than everyone else in every way, and you're a dick if you think you are.
   This rule is sort of an eighth and 3/4. Let's call it Rule Number Six, to make it simple, and because she's the most boss ass bitch on the team. (No offense meant to Marina, Sarah, Ella, or Danielle, but they didn't get half the training she did, you know?) Also, Tris is a Six as well, due to her fears, so respect goes to her, too. Anyway, it's sort of expanding upon the eighth rule which was already too long, so I made a new one. You're not allowed to try to force your opinion upon anyone in my books. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. If you believe in the Christian God, and another person is an atheist and believes in science, neither of you are allowed to try to convince the other is better. You're welcome to have a friendly debate about it if you like, but you have to agree to disagree in the end. It doesn't have to be religion, either, obviously. It could be political. If you guys want to have a debate over which United States of America presidential candidate would have been better in the 2016 election, or any other election for that matter, go right ahead. I only thought of that as an example because I am American, and I apologize if you're not American and you don't give a fuck about our shitty ass politics. You probably should consider giving a little bit of a fuck if you're from one of the countries the current president of America is in contact with in any way, though. Can we all just agree to call him You-Know-Who here? Those of you that don't like him, that is. Those of you that do like him, give me three logical reasons as to how he's been a good president so far. Three things he's done to benefit the people of the world, not just certain categories of American people. If you can't tell, I'm a hard-core Democrat. However, I can respect any Independents or Republicans if you can have a peaceful debate with me and actually admit when I make a good point. I'll be happy to do the same for you. I'm not illogical. Quite the opposite, in fact, I should think. I'm a Ravenclaw, a Divergent that would choose Erudite if she had to choose one, and a daughter of Athena according to the online quizzes. I can tell when someone has a good point, and I'll admit it when you do.
   Luckily, I probably won't bring up politics too much except maybe to post some good memes, or if Donald Trump does something stupid again ("covfefe", anyone?), I might criticize him a bit. And. . . I completely forgot where I was going with this. Damn, I hate it when I do that.
   Okay, got it. The nice thing about writing is that you can just scroll back up and reread what you were writing to get your bearings. You can't do that when you're talking. Just the other night, my sister Divergent-dragon476 and I were talking, and we got sidetracked SO MANY TIMES, it was really irritating. It took so long to get back to what we were originally talking about, and fuck this shit I did it again. Gods damn it. This is what I meant with Rule Number Tobias or John.
   Okay. People are entitled to their opinions. No trying to change other people's opinions. Respect the opinions. Be nice to the opinions. You or your opinion is not better than anyone else's. Friendly debates are optional if you keep it nice and civil. There. Straight to the point. I did it. I feel accomplished.
  I don't know how often I'll be updating this, just as a warning. I will have WiFi more often now, so maybe I'll update more. I'm not sure yet. I'll just have to wait and see.
   So I'll see you later, hopefully, if you like this or any of my other books. Obviously I hope you do. Until then, may the Force be with you all.

Random Things Brain DumpWhere stories live. Discover now