omg. holy fuck.

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Okay, so I know I was a dramatic little shit earlier and said I'd come back from my dramatic-ass Sherlock-caused break from Wattpad, but my friend (Victuuri_bb476, even if she never gets on here and will never see that I tagged her) showed me this and oh my gods it is too good not to be shared.

Are you ready?

No, you're not.

Here it is anyway.

(Not directly shown, but heavily, HEAVILY "implied" (to say the least) sexy times ahead! Might wanna skip if you don't like that stuff! I'll give you some space before it shows up.)

(It's Destiel, btw. 😇😈)

Okay, here it is.

Okay, here it is

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oh my motherfucking gods

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oh my motherfucking gods

im not ok

as you should clearly be able to tell with my purposely fucked up spelling grammar capitalization and punctuation (punctuation most of all im even leaving out the commas and I feel like both a terrible person and a pod person)


u look way too motherfucking satisfied with urself there mr moose

get urself together

your hoe ass just sitting there reading a fuckin book while you force your brother and one of your biffles to fuck via voodoo dolls

(how would that even work? do I even want to know? probably not. I'm probably just overthinking things like usual. Nvm.)

aNd i jUsT WaTcHeD tHe fIrSt EpIsOdE aNd a HaLf (be jealous, CiCi)

hAvEn'T eVeN sEeN cAsTiEl yEt

i sTiLl fEeL lIkE i wAnNa jUmP oUt A wInDoW

(I seem to get that feeling quite often now. It's odd.)


i WaNnA sCrEeCh aNd sHoUt aNd lEt iT AlL OuT

aNd ScReEcH aNd ShOuT bUt i cAnNoT

ok I'm done for now



(Also, if anyone didn't notice, the title was a pun. The holy fuck bit, because it literally is, the fuck is literally holy, for Cas is an angel and is therefore holy, and therefore his sexy times, whoever he has it with, would be holy, am I right? I'm still not nice, though, I know. The pun probably just makes it worse. IDGAF THOUGH. NO REGRETS. 😈)

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