wtf even happened here

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As I mentioned in my new art book, I had a weird as hell text conversation with my friend Victuuri_bb476 the other day, and it inspired a drawing that I posted over there. Here's the full conversation, copied letter for letter. Penguins go to whoever can keep the fuck up.

Me: Ppbblffth

Victurri: 😂


Victurri: P-f-blth-fefe-pepepe-lz-veth

Me: uh

Me: Skr-op and a pop pop pop dop do Do doo doom ske-op

Victurri: Skroppopopopdopdododoomskepop


Victurri: Skiddly eh skiddly dahdahdah

Me: SCREE flap flap fwoop fwee SCRAW


Victurri: Bllllllllleggggggsghgaha

Me: Brrrrrayyyy yay ya ya ya ya ya yi yip yippee!

Me: Fwip fwip smack fwoo crack aiee fuck!

Victurri: Fapfapfapfapfap

Victurri: 😂

Me: Bzzt grr foof crash crack snap OW!

Me: Ekky ekky ekky z bang zoom boing z'nourrrwringmm


Victurri: Tstststt bep blep yeb bleb

Victurri: Pluzzzzberries

Me: FOOMPF crackle sizzle ack icky icky KABANG

Me: Fuckerdoodles

Me: Ooh, pluzzberries! I like that word!


Victurri: 😆 yah

Me: I could write a book on Wattpad where something happens, like someone jumps off a cliff or something, but I don't describe, I just say what it sounds like!

Victurri: Ok... 👍

Me: And then people could interpret it how they wanted, because it's fucking ART and that's what you do with art!

Me: Fwish whoom aaaaaah splash crack blub blub

Me: This is the fucking weirdest thing I've ever thought of.

Me: And I thought of the hafla!

Me: Ooh, the haflas could eat the pluzzberries, and I am officially channeling my inner Dr Seuss!

Me: The pluzzberries and the HUMAN FLESH

Me: Because nothing is complete without some good old-fashioned Hunger Games massacres!

Victurri: What did the poor pluzzberries ever do to you?

Me: Have you ever had one of those thought processes that make perfect sense in your head, but then you try to explain it to someone else and you realize your thought process just sounds like complete bullshit?

Victurri: Yes

Victurri: Lots of times

Me: Nothing. They're berries. It's the natural order of things.

Victurri: My head is complete and utter chaos

Me: I feel like if anyone who considers themselves sane read this, they'd try to get us admitted into a mental hospital

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