Movie Mistakes

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So just yesterday, my sisters and mom were sitting in the TV room watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I woke up late, and the movie was nearly done by the time I got out of bed. It was at the point where Harry is first entering the Chamber, with the big dramatic thirty second door-unlocking scene that shouldn't even work.
   Yes, I said it shouldn't work,a at least not logically. You know how there's those big stone snakey things holding the door shut, and the other big stone snakey thing has to slither around the door for the other snakey things to unlock? "Well," says Physics, "it doesn't work that way." We were supposed to think that door had nothing but the snakes holding it shut, right? Wrong. Those goddamn snakes were (obviously) on the outside of the door. Then the door swing open. . . toward Harry. There was absolutely nothing holding that gods-damn door shut. There, as far as I saw, weren't even any brackets for the snakes' heads to go into. That heavy-ass door - logically, at least - should have swung open on its own. But, Ibby, I can already hear you saying, it's just magic. That's how it stays shut, because that's how things work in the Wizarding World. And I agree with you completely. It's just extremely enjoyable for me to point out technicalities and correct things, so don't start Aquamenti-ing all over my Incendio. Actually, it would be better described as FiendFyre, since my habit of correcting things has gotten completely out of control over the past few years, which is honestly how I like it. It irritates people, one of my favorite hobnies.
   Anyway, that door is just pure magic and suspense-building, and I'm not trying to criticize it, I'm just correcting a mistake, because that's what I do. (I tried to get a video of it off YouTube, but there wasn't any of the actual Chamber of Secrets scene. There was the one in Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 where Ron and Hermione open the Chamber, but that's not what I'm talking about, and by then they probably modified it with brackets for the snakes.)
   May the Force be with you.
   P.S. This is not a rant. A full on rant will probably be around a thousand words. This is five hundred something words. A baby rant, if you will. A full rant is on its way. . . sometime soon. I'm working on it. Being a perfectionist, I have to go through to check I put in all the information I wanted to, edit it multiple times, sometimes show it to friends to make sure it makes sense, etc. No promises on when, but when I do end up publishing one, it'll probably end up being my opinion on the (basically pointless and stupid to even begin to think one is in any way better than the other) debate on whether Harry Potter is better than Twilight. No offense is meant to either fandoms, I'm just stating facts as much as I possibly can, which brings me to my conclusion that I will not disclose at this time. If you're not stupid, you can probably guess which it is, though, just by looking through my profile and making rational guesses.

ANYWAY. I know I already said this, but I also went and talked for another hundred words, so again, may the Force be with you some more and then some. Bye now.

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