Strong Enough

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Eight full months of my life given to you
Time spent and time cherished
Hopefully not time wasted
You have your issues
I have mine
I mean, don't we all have issues?
That's life...
No one is perfect
I'm sorry I yell, I don't know what else to do
In previous relationships,  that's all I did
Needed be defensive because...
they were Devils
You're different though, you inspire me
You care about me, you motivate me
You even love me! Somehow.
You've shown me things and tough me things
You try to listen to me, you put up with me




You were changed by me as well
I hurt you and treated you badly
Changing you in the worst way
Now you no longer care
You can walk away so easily
Yeah, you still love me
But that's not enough
Love isn't enough
My love isn't enough
Your love isn't enough

But maybe we can work
Maybe this relationship isn't over
Maybe this thing can be better
Maybe it can grow
Maybe it can flourish
It can prosper
It can survive
Shit, we can survive
Because we've did it before  and we're. ..
strong enough

Derived from relationship problems with my boyfriend

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