Your Friend? Part 2

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From "I love you"
To "We should just be friends"
What happened?

My heart breaks into another billion pieces
And it's hurts more
Cause I never thought you'd be the reason why

You lifted me up
You made me feel nothing less than cared about
But in the end you took it all away with those words

You really think I could just be your friend?
Just your friend?
Just a damn friend?

Why just friends?
Why can't I be more than just your friend?
I want you, no need you as more than a friend.

Me being your friend, allows them to have you
Allows them to love you
Allows them to replace me

It allows you to fall in love with someone else
Someone that's not me
I can't just be your friend

You're the first person on my mind when I awake
And the last before I fall asleep
I literally end my prayers asking God to protect you

I get so happy when you text, snap or call me
I can't stop smiling when you compliment me
I'm happy again because I have you in my life

I crave you on a daily basis
And not just sexually
I want you in every way possible

I feel all warm inside when you tell me I'm beautiful
I feel like it's just you and me all alone
I felt like everything was right

So, I'm sorry if I get a little jealous
Or act insecure
Or if I cry too much or complain

It's just because I want you in my life
For the rest of it

I want you and everything you have to offer
The good and the bad
I want you as you are

I want you to be able to depend on me
Just like I will depend on you
I wanna be there for you

I wanna give you a reason to be happy
A reason to smile
A reason to feel complete

I wanna love you with every piece of my soul
I wanna give you everything you've ever wanted
I wanna be your support

I don't think you understand what I feel for you
If you did you wouldn't ask me to be your friend
You can't understand

Yes, I want to be your friend
But not just your friend, but
Your best friend, you girlfriend, your soulmate

And I want you to say you're joking so bad
But I don't think you will...not this time
And it's killing me

My feelings are too strong, and
You got my heart
And not as a friend

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