unrequited feelings

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You see, I try not to cry:
When my heart is broken
And even if I succeed,
I wear it on my sleeve,
And it bleeds, crimson tears
So you see, even if my eyes are a desert
My heart will show my true emotions

Trying to keep dry eyes,
Dehydrates my heart.
And it starves for blood
The flutters become faster
And faster, until it beats so rapidly
That is feels as if its not even there.

Then the beating slows.
Turns into a dull ache from a powerful beat.
But this time, its all I feel.
Day and night,
I clutch at my chest, as if I'm in cardiac arrest.

But my hands they keep slipping.
And I see my life flash before my eyes.
All of the memories, more bad than good.
And it hurts,
It hurts like hell.
I cry out, I scream.
But no sound resonates from me.

Hands still clawing at my chest.
Wanting to rid myself of that constant ache.
Just wanting it to go away.

So if I could rip my own heart right out of my chest.
I would...
So that way, the ache is gone.

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