Domestic Violence

12 1 0

Shards of the glass -
Fall to the floor.
And the heart beats speedily.
The blood boils and rips through the veins.

Eyes have closed -
Due to the weakness.

And that heart beats speedily as well.

But it seems as if this blood is starting to slow.
Coming to a halt, no longer reaching the rapid heart.
The hands transform from a shield to symbol of eternal rest.

Another life gone.
For the same violent reason.
These killer hands must be stopped.
They must be arrested and charged with murder.
We cannot continue to let this happen.
So many individuals' lives cut short.

All for what?

Because of a bad "temper"?
Or anger issues?
Is that really a reason to beat someone?

Especially if you say you love them.

How is that love?
How do you beat someone you love?

No, seriously.
How is it okay to abuse anyone?

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