untitled 2.

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My body shakes like an earthquake
My heart is ripped apart like a fault line
My face floods with tears
My soul crumbles back into the earth

The sun no longer shines here
It's always so dark
I cant seem to find my way out
I claw through the darkness

My soul cries out so very loud
Yet no one hears it
I move through the shadows
Hoping that I'll be found

I scream out your name when asleep
I wake up and you're no longer beside me
I pray that you'll come back
But I know that this is final

I'm incomplete without you
Life feels incorrect with you not in it
My soul reaches for you
Only to find it's no there anymore

My heart craves yours
My body craves yours
My mind craves yours
My soul craves yours

My light shines brighter when you're with me
When you say "I love you", my soul smiles
When you touch me, I can feel your love
When you smile, my heart flutters

You're the reason that I know that God exists...because He blessed me with you💚

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