Chapter 2

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As the two pro heros walk towards you and midnight with serious faces. Your the first one to speak "Sorry I'm a little late. I kinda got into a fight ,but don't worry there all right." Shouto suddenly spoke up and said "It's your first time on the campus and your already starting fights." You just laughed as your dad, almight , just shakes his head and says "well at least you made it.So let's talk about why your here." You just said a plain "ok". Shouto then spoke again saying "Starting tomorrow you will be at UA in class 1-A, were I will be tea-" he was cut off by you yelling " WHAT THE HELL!! WHY?" Shouto just sighed and soon spoke again saying " I was getting to that ,but you cut me off so let me start again. I am teaching class 1-A and as for the reason behind it is because were going to let you start using your quirk." And before you could ask any questions your dad spoke "Yes ,but only when we say so. You will be under watch all the time until we think it's not necessary and you will be eating in here, we don't want a lot of attention on you." You understood what they were saying but you were still confused about why they want to move you too UA now? So that's what you asked "Why are you moving me over here now and not at the beginning of the year." Then Your Dad spoke saying "we weren't sure if we wanted you to come ,but now that the class of 1-A is more dangerous because of all the villain attacks we thought that maybe adding a Student who's had a bit of training and a lot of field work would increase the safety." You nodded understanding what they meant. Shouto suddenly then said "you will be starting tomorrow and for group fights or anything going against another student while using your quirk is off limits for you. You will be fighting a teacher that can with Stan your quirk because if you go over board we know what to do they don't ,ok." You just nodded and started heading for the door when you were stopped once more by almight saying "I will bring a uniform home when I'm done with work." You just said an "ok" and left to go to your last day at your old high school.

This one is a little shorter ,but that's because it was supposed to be part of the first chapter but it was just super long so I moved it to be chapter three! I hope you in joy my book and chapters will be published quickly because I always hated waiting so don't worry.

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