Chapter 3

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~That Night~

•(Y/N)'s POV•

I was just up stairs minding my own business when suddenly there was a huge crash coming from down stairs. I rushed off my bed and ran down stairs to see my hell of a father with the door knock too the ground. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU BREAK DOWN THE DOOR FOR!" I yell at him as he just laughed me off as he was putting the door back up. "Every good hero needs to arrive like a hero." He just said.

What the hell! That doesn't mean you need to break down the door.
I said in my head

"Well anyways I brought your school uniform for tomorrow!" Almight said.
I replied with a simple "ok" leaving to go back up stairs.

~Time skip to next day~

I woke up to my alarm beeping crazy load. As I'm trying to shut it off I get a little crazy and end up breaking it. Oops, Oh well hopefully I get a new one for my birthday. I get out of bed and slowly walked over to the bathroom. I grab the brush and start brushing my (H/L) (H/C). I put it up in a ponytail and grab the freshly new uniform and put it on. Well at least they got my size right.

I leave a bit early so I don't have to deal with everyone yelling at me again.

~Time skip to UA Cause I can~

Once I made it to UA I walk down the hallway up two set of stairs to finally make it up to the third floor were the teachers lounge is. I open the door to find only my dad, sho-  I mean Aizawa, and Present Mic. I walk over to the couch and just crash right on it.

Aizawa then suddenly breaks the silence by saying "Hey, aren't you a bit early." I reply with a simple sentence saying "yeah, but I didn't want to deal with people." He just nodded and went back to work ,while present Mic just stared at me. His face suddenly changed when he realized who I was. " (Y/N)!! Long time no see kiddo how's it been!" I reply with boredom shown in my voice "Good I guess." I then grabbed my phone right as it beeps saying I got a text message. I look at it to see that it's my best friend
(B/F/N). (Best friends name, also it's going to be a he) we met in Middle school and have been friends ever since.

BFF that's a guy

Yo! What's up you excited to meet your new classmates!


No, not really. I told you I got into a fight yesterday!

BFF that's a guy

Yeah, but who cares! Other people mite not know.


Yeah word goes by pretty quick around here. Well anyways I got to get going. Text you later.

BFF that's a guy

K! Just text me if you need something!

-end of text message-

I get up right at the same time Aizawa did. He looked at me as too say follow him and I nod saying ok.
I say bye to my dad and present Mic as we leave the now even quieter room. We walk down the the long hallways to class 1-A. Aizawa then opens the door while saying hello to everyone. I then step into the classroom and suddenly see a Familiar spiky ash blonde hair.

Oh. Boy this is going to be one hell of a year.

I Hope you liked this chapter!! I did a bit more spacing so that it's doesn't look so cluttered! Remember to leave comments so I know what to work on!

[Discontinued] Demon Eyes (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ