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I am lost.
I need help.
So many things to do, and not enough time to do it.

All of the tragic crap that goes on.

A whole lot of B.S. goes around.

So much worry.
All too much.
So hard to bear, but I have to keep strong.

Don't break down.

Not now.

Everything will be okay.

Changes will be made.

Too late.

I broke.

Can't hold it any longer.

Its been too long.

I just can't.

Changes are hard. Too hard.

I can't take it anymore.

Music. I need music.

My only was of coping, is music.

I crave it.

I play flute.

So beautiful. So light. So loud. I can drown everything out, if I concentrate. I need it.

So lonely. I need friends who will stick with me till the end.

But no one has.

No one will.

Safe. I feel safe.

Its only me, myself, I and Fishy.

I have four friends. All of them related. All one person. All act differently.

All supportive of my body.

My mind, not very optimistic, more pessimistic.

All pessimistic.

I can't do this.

All hope is lost.

But a speck.

There is a speck of hope.

Only a shard.

Deep down.

I seem strong.

I look strong.

I am weak.

I act strong, but that is an act of weakness.

If you are weak, then you are strong.

If you are strong, then you are weak.

I need help.

There is no one I can trust but myself.


No school counseling will help.

I get angry.

So angry at myself. I cant help my self.



And that is final.

My Feelings Of PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now