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There are sections when it comes to sorrow and sadness.

1) It happens. There is not much you can do now. I wish there was. But don't we all?

2) You see, but don't believe.

You feel like your in a body that's not your own.

Like your spectating a person's life that isn't yours.

3) You reject.

You reject people's help. Your angry. Trying to stay strong.

At home and when your alone, you cry. Your sadness is so strong that you can't hold it back.

4) Sadness.

You really can't hold it back.

You cry in class.

You cry in the halls.

In public.

Mostly at home.

5) You realize.

You realize things are never going to be the same again.

That person is never coming back.

7) You hurt your self.

Whether its self harm, or mental punishment, like 'I could have stopped it if I got there in time' or something close to that.

8) You stop the self harm.

Its hard, but you do. You tell a friend about it.

9) Better.

You only cry when people mention things about him/her, people who passed away, or if your being bullied.

10) Scares.

There are still scars.

The memories.

But you don't cry.

Only when the memories are strong.

You never forget them.

You may ask you I'm on this topic.

I just am.

This might happen to me.

And when it does, I want to be ready.

My Feelings Of PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now