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Behind my smile, I hold a ton of emotions.

People don't get it.

I want to go in my room and shut people out. 

I know.

There is nothing wrong with me.

I don't have any anxiety, ADHD, ADD, schizophrenia, retardedness, nothing.

But sometimes, I think that I have something, like ADD.

But I don't.

So, sucks to be me.

But in someway, its good to be me.

Even though there is nothing wrong with me, I am so busy.

I have 4-H, drama, volleyball, Martial arts, girl scouts, and other things.

I know, people would DIE to be in my position.

But do they know busy I get?

But I know, you don't want to hear it.

'Cry me a river'.

But sometimes, I want to go to my 'Happy Place'.

Just to assure you, we aren't going to go into Happy Gilmore by Adam Sandler, but it's true.

My happy place is in the woods, with TONS of animals. 

Living fearless.

With thick, smoky fog.

A metric crap ton of trees. 

Out in the middle on no where.

The place I go in my dreams.

Maybe you could go to yours?

Unlike me.

My Feelings Of PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now