Chapter 11

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Day 1

It was one thing to have Anna in the castle, but it was another thing all together having her several miles away in a two week long journey. When Anna was in the castle, Elsa was always certain that even if she was locked away in her room, Anna would be there just around the corner. Perhaps in the kitchens with Olaf, out in the courtyard with Kristoff, or even exploring the town. Despite everything, there was always that certainty that the princess would dream her dreams in the same place as Elsa did and that somehow their life would intermingle in their proximity. But Anna was not here.

Elsa ran her hand through her platinum locks. It was morning and yesterday Anna had left the castle. The hole in her chest did not shrink nor did the pain it caused. It pained her so much more than she thought to know that Anna was not here. The Queen sat on her bed, dark circles under her eyes hung like badges from her fight with sleep. She stumbled out of bed. Oh if only her sister could see her now, all the grace sucked out of her, leaving her wilted.

There was a quiet rap on the door and Gerda's voice could be heard.

"Your majesty, it's time for breakfast."

Life went on. The castle did not care of the pain inside Elsa's chest, much less the world outside. The documents that greeted her did not lessen in their amount simply because the Queen didn't sleep. Nothing changed except the slightly colder air around her.

The day went on. Preparations, reparations, negotiations. A grand time was coming, she was told. A time in which new alliances would be made. Where Arendelle would come out strong and prosper better than ever before. Where she will find her true love.

Except she already has. She already found someone she loves so completely there is no room left in her heart for another. Who could replace the years of loyalty Anna had shown her when she showed up at her door consistently? The absolute devotion she showed when she sacrificed her life to save Elsa's, despite her heart being poisoned by that very same sister? And this ball, full of men, were supposed to win the heart she no longer owns?

At the very least, she decided, there had to be some chance. Princesses. Should she not recommend to the council the highest possibility of finding her true love by opening their doors to those of all genders? Heck, if the ball doesn't work out, maybe they'll let her find one among the common folk.

Blood is thicker. Ha. The saying all of Arendelle had known since they were young, but taught not to take it literally. Family before all would be a better representation. Whether the family created by those related of blood or those related by love, this was the uttermost importance for the citizens. It was long since maintained that the royal family must fulfill the sacrifice of upholding the motto above and beyond the common citizens. Blood is thicker. And so the heir must be of blood. And despite the liberal state of the country, there was no room for preference for royalty. Until now.

Elsa could love whomever she chooses because anyone could give her a child. Man, woman, or other. While she was isolated in one area, she had the freedom no other royal had before her. An absolute freedom of choice.

That night these were the only thoughts she allowed in her head, the contemplation of the loopholes she now had before her. The possibilities of finding another girl she could fall utterly in love with. She managed to drift to sleep, but in her dreams where her inhibition did not exist, she dreamt of fiery braids and freckled noses.

Day 3

The day began with determination, having given herself a whole day to create a list of pros and cons. It made sense, her decision made sense. The queen strode confidently towards the room where her advisors awaited. A second pair of clacking shoes appeared next to Elsa, seemingly out of nowhere, but the queen was so focused on the task at hand she didn't flinch at all.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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