Chapter 4

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Elsa ran into Kristoff on her way back from breakfast.

“Kristoff, what are you doing here? If you’re looking for Anna, she just left with Olaf to the kitchens. Something about noses and emergencies,” she said, looking away. She felt awkward being alone with Anna’s boyfriend, the man who was allowed to do what she could only dream of. Though she felt no animosity towards him, there were still twinges of jealousy and discomfort.

“Actually, I was looking for you,” Kristoff said, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. “-Your Majesty,” he added quickly.

“Well, I’m all ears. I hope it won’t take too long, though. I’ve actually got quite a bit or research to do,” replied Elsa.

“It’s about that. Anna told me about the problem you’re having, so I came to help. I know that my family helped you guys when you were younger and Grand Pabbie seems to know more about your magic than anyone else in Arendelle. So I was thinking…maybe he could tell you what you want to know. I could take you whenever you’re free.”’

“Let’s go now. The sooner we solve this problem, the sooner we can get on with more important matters.” exclaimed Elsa. She walked as quickly as she could toward the gates, trying to contain her enthusiasm as best as she could. If she could find a way to have a child, then Anna could be hers for just a little while longer.

The familiar sound of tumbling rocks alerted Kristoff and Elsa that the family saw their arrival. After dog piling Kristoff in a warm welcome, the trolls bowed to Elsa before making way for Grand Pabbie.

“Greetings, Queen Elsa, what brings you here?” asked the elder troll.

“I have questions about my powers that I was hoping you could answer.”

The troll waved for Elsa to follow while Kristoff stayed behind to catch up with large family. They walked some ways until they came upon a cave entrance at the base of a large rock formation. They entered and found themselves in a rather cozy looking place, complete with a fireplace, stools, a table, and shelves. Knickknacks and small toys covered the rather high up shelves.  It seemed a bit odd to the queen how a race of creatures that spend most of their time rolled up like boulders have such commodities.

“This place was mostly for Kristoff when he was growing up,” said Grand Pabbie, answering Elsa’s silent question. They sat on the stools quietly as the troll waited for the young queen to speak. She fiddled with her fingers nervously before speaking.

“I’ll try to be as straightforward as I can. You know more about my powers than anyone. Do you know if it’s possible for me to have children?” Elsa asked, her body rigged as she waited for the answer.

“Yes…and no,” answered Grand Pabbie. “Should your child inherit your ice powers, then the baby would be able to withstand the fluctuations of magic and temperature within your body. If the child does not, then I fear there is a large possibility that he, or she, will not make it. Are you willing to risk it?”

“No,” sighed Elsa, slumping back on the chair, her whole body deflating in defeat. Maybe there was no solution. Maybe Fate was telling her that she is not meant to have Anna and that they should be as far away as possible.

“Is there no way?”

“There…might be,” said the troll slowly. Elsa’s eyes lit up with the sign of hope.

“I heard from Kristoff that you had created life. A snowman, in fact. We may be able to use that to our advantage,” he continued.

“But the point of an heir is to take over the kingdom after I pass on. My powers won’t be able to keep a snowman alive after death,” Elsa argued. Grand Pabbie hopped down from the stool and began to pace slowly around the room.

A Rainy Night of Realization (Elsanna)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang