Chapter 6

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It was day two since her impromptu coming out of the closet and breaking up with Kristoff. He had taken the news surprisingly well—thanking her for telling him as soon as she found out instead of leading him on while he continued to fall a little closer to love with her. Yet Kristoff was still human, no matter how amazingly accepting he was, and asked Anna to give him some time to process things. He was upset, yes. Anna is a wonderful girl and he felt lucky to be dating the beautiful princess, but he hadn’t known her for too long and was thankful Anna made this discover early on. Anna understood it all, but she hoped he would come to terms with it soon. She missed her best friend and she was feeling horribly lonely.

Anna looked up sadly from her bowl to the empty chair across her. She hadn’t seen Elsa at all yesterday and it pulled at her heart to have her sister missing their together meal so soon after promising at least one a day.

Yesterday she had no one to talk to. Elsa had disappeared somewhere. Kristoff was doing whatever he was doing. Olaf was…well he was always everywhere. You could never find the snowman unless he decided to look for you first. He could have been somewhere in the castle chatting the ear off some servant or off in the mountains keeping Marshmallow company. She began to wish she had gone back to visit Diane, but thought that it would be best to wait until she came to visit first.

The sulking princess looked up when she heard the doors open. Perhaps Elsa had come today? She almost expected to see Elsa walking in as if nothing was the matter, her hair in its perfect bun and head held high with authority. It wasn’t her, sadly. Kai had entered the room and walked over to Anna.

“There is a meeting with the council today. Her majesty requests your attendance, Princess Anna,” he stated with a slight bow. He was startled by the angry expression on Anna’s face.

“So formal, huh? Couldn’t even bother to tell me herself? Where is she anyway?” sneered Anna.

“I-I’m sure the queen meant no disrespect,” stuttered Kai. “She’s been very busy with an unexpected guest-“

“And no one thought to tell me that?” questioned Anna, her arms gesticulating wildly in her irritation.

“Please come to the meeting, Your Highness. I’m sure everything will be explained,” said Kai, ready to escape the abnormal rage of Anna.

“Oh don’t worry, I will.”

Anna stood and stomped towards the meeting room where they were probably just sitting down and getting comfortable. She opened the doors harshly and found herself being stared at by the council, Elsa, and one other person. Her anger faltered when she realized there was someone she didn’t know standing next to Elsa.

“Who is she?” she demanded. Elsa’s eyes widened at the harsh tone of her sister.

“Anna, please be respectful! We have a guest who just arrived two nights ago,” chastised Elsa.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Erm, her visit was really…unexpected,” Elsa said, trying to awkwardly explain the sudden arrival of the guest.

“What can I say, I love a grand entrance. My name is Angela by the way, Princess,” said the guest, speaking for the first time. “I believe an old student of mine said your queen was in need of my assistance?”

Anna averted her eyes from Elsa and took in the stranger’s features. She looked…young. She was short, shorter than both Anna and Elsa but stood firm and powerful. She didn’t have Elsa’s elegance, but she held herself with a different sort of grace, one of power, of knowledge, much like that of a weathered war veteran in the highest rank. She looked no older than sixteen, with her youthful face and glossy fiery red hair that put Anna’s to shame. Her eyes, on the other hand, were old as the mountains themselves and the deepest brown Anna had ever witnessed. Anna flared with slight jealousy to find no freckles marring her perfect, pale skin like that of many folks with red hair.

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