Chapter 2

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“Princess Anna, how are you? Would you like to purchase this necklace for yourself? Half-off for your majesty!”

“Princess Anna, would you like to see-“

“Princess Anna, would you like to taste-“

“Anna, are you listening to anything I’ve said?” exclaimed Kristoff, jolting her out of her overwhelmed state.

“Sorry Kristoff, but look at all these people! Gosh, there are so many cool things here. Did you see the store we just passed? Who knew Arendelle sold giant bendy straws!”

Anna and Kristoff were walking along the streets of Arendelle with their hands linked together (not on a sled, as Elsa had imagined). The young princess, not accustomed to so many people, was amazed by the sights and colors of the world outside the castle. The place was so…busy. Things were happening in every corner and moment was constant. No one really stood still, except perhaps the old man who sat on his rocking chair in front of a store, enjoying the snow free sky.

“I’m really glad you get to see all of this. Now that everything’s over, you get the chance to really connect with the people. They’re all really nice, you’ll see,” said Kristoff.

The look of happiness on Anna’s face caused Kristoff to pause their walking and lean in for a kiss. In that moment, Anna’s eyes glazed over when she suddenly sniffed the air.

“Chocolate,” she whispered as she walked in a mesmerized state to the bakery that contained that heavenly smell. Missing the disappointed look in Kristoff’s face, Anna smiled widely to the baker behind the counter.

“Hello, Princess. What can I do for you today?” greeted the baker.

“I want whatever that awesome chocolatey smell is coming from,” Anna said excitedly, her braids jumping up and down along with her.

“Ah, you mean the chocolate cake I just baked,” he chuckled. Anna merely nodded her head rapidly.

The baker proceeded to place the recently baked cake on the counter. It was a chocoholic’s true dream. Layers upon layers of smooth chocolate icing that covered the still warm chocolate cake fluff. Anna’s mouth watered as the man wrapped it up in a box and handed it to Anna, who then gave it to Kristoff to hold.

“How much will it be?” Anna asked while pulling out her money pouch.

“No charge for you, Your Majesty,” the baker insisted. “Just make sure to share it with the Queen. She hasn’t been down here since the snow ended. Maybe this will convince her to come give us little people a visit.”

“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll totally tell Elsa to come next time! She loves chocolate almost as much as I do and I’m sure we’d love to get something next time. She’ll have to come.”

After another few thank you’s and a quick goodbye, Anna snatched the box from Kristoff’s arms as she quickly walked back to the castle, eager to get a taste of the chocolate. Her blond haired boyfriend merely sighed as he took off in a light jog after her.

“Do you think she’ll want to come tomorrow?” Anna called back to Kristoff without checking if he were actually following.

“I’m sure she’d like to, but she’s probably really busy. Elsa’s queen now and has a lot of kingdom-ly things to do, right? But I’m sure she’ll have time soon!” he answered.

Anna stopped abruptly. She realized she hadn’t seen much of Elsa the past three days except breakfast and before they retired to their rooms. Even then, Elsa had seemed distracted just as Anna was distracted by all the things she had yet to witness of Arendelle. Now that everything was winding down to a peaceful calm, the queen had yet to make an appearance and Anna realized she too had a royal duty: to share Elsa’s burden and make sure she didn’t die under a stack of papers.

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