Chapter 7

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A visitor arrived outside the gates late that morning, according to the guard that approached Anna.

Elsa had already been approached about the visitor, but she was drowning in work, as usual, and so it was up to the princess to greet whoever it was. Taking a page from Elsa’s book, Anna straightened her back and held her head high. Luckily her hair was cooperating that day, so Anna proudly walked to the main entrance to greet who it was. Perhaps it was a representative from a nearby kingdom? Some lord of Arendelle? Whoever it was, Anna would greet them with poise because she was not only a princess, but a princess with a responsibility to the kingdom. Clearly, being put on the board of construction had gone to her head a bit.

“Presenting Angela the Witch,” announced the guard. Anna’s façade fell.

The witch walked up to Anna with a smirk, as if she knew exactly how much Anna didn’t want to see her.

“Princess, so good to see your beautiful face again,” said Angela.

“What are you doing here? I thought you left two days ago?” Anna was absolutely bewildered. Didn’t the witch say she was going back home?

“Change of plans. Uhh…there is a terrible evil coming and I have come to warn you,” said Angela in a bored tone. She flicked her wrist and sparkles appeared for some added effect that only made it seem like a cheap magic trick.

“You came to help us?”

Angela snorted. “Gods, no. I came to watch. I need a room ready since I spent all the money I brought, but it was worth every coin. Diane says hello, by the way.”

Clearly not thrilled with the saucy wielder of magic, Anna discreetly looked around for Elsa before going back to the task of getting rid of Angela.

“Why don’t you stay where you slept last night?” asked Anna.

“Mmm, I wish, but I wasn’t actually doing any sleeping. I was still busy making good use of my money. All. Night. Long. Still had a bit left over for some new clothes, though. I couldn’t exactly walk around Arendelle in my thoroughly ravished state.” Anna’s face was quite red by now with embarrassment.

“I-wha-ugh! Whatever. You can stay I guess. But you better respect Elsa or you’ll be sorry!” threatened Anna. At this moment, Elsa walked beside Anna, impeccable as she always was.

“Angela, welcome. Is there a reason you have returned so soon?” she asked.

“Let me talk to you for a second, Your Majesty,” said Angela, guiding Elsa to the side. Anna’s cheeks puffed with annoyance.

“Other than an impending huge life change and danger coming up (don’t worry about that), you need me, Queenie. I can help you get Anna. Sure, I haven’t exactly had contact with other  beings in several decades, but that’s okay! I know magic. I’m pretty sure I can help you with a little thing like love.”

“Anna is my sister,” argued Elsa. She wrung her wrists while her eyes darted towards Anna, praying that she didn’t hear the conversation.

“It’s okay, I’m pretty sure she likes girls,” reassured the witch.

“I don’t think you understand the problem—“ began Elsa.

“Diane!” shrieked Anna, interrupting the conversation as she tackled the brunette girl who came through the gates with a hug.

“Diane?” asked Angela, turning to face them.

“A-Angela?” stuttered Diane. Her confident demeanor melted away as her face turned as bright as the witch’s hair.

“Diane?” came the voice of Kristoff as entered through the gates along with Sven.

A Rainy Night of Realization (Elsanna)Where stories live. Discover now