Chapter 10

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Anna did not come the next morning, and so Elsa melted the ice from the door. She was a bit disappointed at first, but what did she expect really? For Anna to come back as she always did? It felt cruel to wish Anna were there if she was only going to push her again.

The morning was heavy. Her feet dragged and even the warm sunlight filtering through her window weighed down on her body. The servants delivered her food on schedule without even a second glance to Elsa’s red, puffy eyes. The Queen made no indication of knowing how tired she looked, she simply went on about her morning routine. She could feel the stiffness of the dried tears as she washed her face and place her makeup.

Elsa went about her duties as always, her ability to work was not affected, if anything, it improved. She delved into the work and drowned herself under mountains of documents until the only thing on her mind were the affairs of the country. Sure, the temperature inside the castle dropped noticeably, but no one dared to say a word. And the days wore on that way.

The nights were different. At night, Elsa would retire to bed and the thoughts she managed to keep at bay would come crashing on her. It would keep her wide awake for hours just drowning in it all. It was during the night that the Queen thought of Anna, of Weselton, of her choices, of everything. It became clearer each night the decision she should have made. This threat of Weselton could not be handled by her alone. She thought of Anna, her fiery personality and inconceivable loyalty. The acceptance in her eyes when she knew better of Elsa’s magic. Maybe Anna couldn’t help, but she deserved to know about the threat. Perhaps she wasn’t ready to tell Anna about her love, but she couldn’t let Weselton get his way. It had taken her a week and long sleepless nights full of tossing and turning before she finally came to a simple conclusion.

Trust. She needed to trust Anna, trust her kingdom, and most of all, trust herself. She wouldn’t tell Anna about the love, but it was time to let someone in after all these years of isolation. And so Elsa picked a pair of the fluffiest thickest socks she could find and decided to invite Anna to a bit of floor sliding.

The castle was quiet that week. Anna knew it would be when she came down to breakfast and there was only one spot with plates of food. She didn’t bother going to Elsa’s door. Her piece was said and maybe it was time to give Elsa space to think and figure things out. It was just as before, Elsa locked away in her room without contact with anyone. Except it wasn’t.

Anna had friends now. She was able to hang out with Kristoff and Sven. Sometimes with Diane. Sometimes with all three. Occasionally, while wandering the Arendelle castle, she’d run into Angela, and they’d talk about magic and the things Angela had seen with those eyes full of age and wonder. There was a way her eyes would sparkle when recalling a particular student she had a hundred years ago. Or the brash way she carried herself, not subtle at all like Diane’s teasing, but with a commanding presence. Anna could see why Diane was so taken by her.

Sometimes, when the world had things to do, Olaf always seemed to appear at the right time, his cheerful attitude rubbing off on her a bit. He was innocent and truthful, it was refreshing considering the looks of pity that everyone would hide. Olaf didn’t understand what everyone thought. How Elsa had retreated back into the solitude of her room like before and it made Anna sad. Or maybe he did know. Maybe better than everyone else. Maybe he knew Elsa well enough to know she’d snap out of it.

It wasn’t all fun and games, of course. Anna still worked alongside Diane with the general construction efforts and for the planning of the trip to the other parts of Arendelle. It was amazing to see the transformation of the building and all the work that went into it. So much attention to detail needed, and this was a house that was already there! Who knows how much more there needed to be for a building made from the ground up. It sparked her interest in the world and its entirety. To be so fascinated at the process of building a house only made her question how amazing other things can be. The process of baking those amazing cakes? Or the process of making chocolate. What about the process that went into making her clothes? Suddenly all the simple things had greater meaning and it simply blew her mind. Anna found herself anticipating the day she left in order to discover so much more of the things she had yet to discover.

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