~Not what was expected~

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-Can you help me, with..uh....SINGING! YES SINGING! MY VOICE LIKE SPOILED BARF! HELP PLZ! You say nervously. -uhh, really not what i was expecting... Flam thinked. -Well, sure. Id love to! Flam answers. -SINGING??!! REALLY??!!! I-I can't sing at all! Well it could be fun but I'm too shy, accually I don't even know what I sound like when singing. I haven't sang in like, well forever! You think. Flam places you neatly on the bed and pulls the cowers on you. -Now let's get some sleep. I'm really tired myself. Flam says. -Yeah, me too. You say. -WOULD YOU TWO JUST BE QUIET I'M TRYING TO SLEEP! Flim shouts from the other room next to them.
-Eep! You say quietly and press you head against the pillow. Flam is also slowly drifting off to sleep. You feel Flam's body heat, and you hear him breathing. You turn around and see the room in the shine of the moonlight coming from the window. You try to sleep but there's too much on you're mind. You think about Flim, Flam and what mess you've got yourself into. What do the brothers think of you? What would Apple Jack think of this? (Apple Jack is you're best friend) Without realising it you drift off to sleep.

In the morning:

You open you're eyes and sit up. You yawn, and look around. You look to you're right. Flam is gone. You look at the clock on the wall and gasp. -OMG IT'S 12:14! NO WONDER HE'S ALREADY UP! You scream. You jump from the bed, look trough you're bag, comb your mane and tail, brush you're teeth and head down stairs to see Flim sitting on the couch reading. -Morning! It's probably too late for that, but still! You say. -Yes, morning to you too! Flam is going out for a while, he won't be back for any time soon. Flim said. -Oh, ok umm do you have anything that I could eat? I can go buy my own food but I'm just asking. You ask. -You are free to eat our food as you like, just not all of it! Flim said cheerfully. -Thank you so much! You thank him. You throt over to a cabinet and open it. You decide to eat just some cerial. Flim notices you eating only cerial even tho you look like you're starving. -Oh, no no no no! That won't do! Breakfeast is the most important meal of the day after all! Here take some coffeee and a sandwhich. He prepares them both for you rather fast. -You really didn't have to, but thank you! You say. -Oh, It's no problem! Besides you are clearly straving, eat up now! He smiles and throts back to the couch. You finish the meal and thank Flim once more. You walk upstairs to get you're saddle bag, go back down and head outside to buy chocolate! For no reason! ^^
You get back to the brothers house and see Flim sleeping.



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