~Just us~

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You walk slowly over to the sleeping stallion, and sit next to the couch. You watch him sleep. He's breathing oh so softly. His hat almoast cowering his eyes to avoid sunlight. His fur looks so silky and soft, mane and tail (look like bacon >:3) perfectly combed. -Cuuuteee! You squeak quietly. You notice his ears perk back while he blushes slightly in his sleep. His leg twiches and he let's out a tiny grunt. -Was he awake? Wait, no he's dreaming. What could he be dreaming about? You think. You look at his smooth tempting lips and think.
-No! I couldn't! It's wrong! You think. You sit up and run upstairs blushing. You run and drop face forward to Flam's bed. You pick up Flam scent on the pillow and dig your face in it. -I'm SUCH A CREEP! You mumble. You lift your head. -But stiillll! You pout. -Uugh! What to do, what to do...You say annoyed. -Ill just eat chocolate and go to the store to buy more. You say. You open you're chocolate bar and nom nom. After you finish it. You head downstairs to go to the store to buy more chocolate to eat it for no reason. You glance at Flim and blush slightly. And throt -Hmm, let's see what's on my list...chocolate,..chocolate,.. bread..,chocolate. Do I even need all this chocolate?? Why is there bread on my Lis-. You think.
-Owwie...You complain.
-Oh! Sorry Flam! I wasn't looking! You apologize. -It's compleatly fine! I understand that some may be in dreamland, specially in around us. Flam says.
-*YAWN* Oh, hello brother of mine! Flim says. -Hello to you too! Brother of mine. And also to you (y/n)! Flam says while he smiles at you. -Oh, you have some chocolate on you lip, Let's me help you. Flam says. He lifts a napkin with his magic and comes closer to wipe it off. You blush, and forget every single thing about chocolate, and stare into his apple green eyes. You just couldn't help you're self. You compleatly froze. -There you go! Flam says while he smirks at you. Flim notices his brothers behavior, and glances at him giving a message to tone his charm down. Flam gives a message to him that says "fine". Flam brings you into reality from you're daydream. You shake you're head and realise the situation. -H-huh? Oh, OH THE SHOP THE CHOCOLATE UH BYEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!!!!!! You shout and run out the door. Flim and Flam give each other a confused look.



Mlp Flim and Flam x reader  Hearts of salesponies Where stories live. Discover now