~Moving In~

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Flim leans over and pulls you into a kiss. He pulls away from the kiss and quickly teleports away. 

-Wh-what was that??!? Did Flim just..,KISS ME??? Why did he just disappear like that? You ask you're self. You get up, you can hardly stand from the kiss and you blush hard. You stumble over to the door and open it with you're magic. You walk down the stairs to see Flim and Flam calmly talking on the couch, Flim acting like nothing happened. You deside to go o a walk. -Flim, Flam i'm going outside for a walk, I won't be long! You say. -Ok, just come back before dark! Flim and Flam say. -I will. You say. 

You open the door and head outside. You walk around ponyville and catch tho mares chatting together. -Omg, we should like totally move together! :3 . Said the pony with mint hair. Yaaas, gurl totally! Said the pony with pink and dark blue hair. The two ponies start walking away while talking. A thought crosses you're mind. -What if i could move in with Flim and Flam? You think. You finish you're walk and get back to the brothers house. 

You open the door as Flam greets you. -Why hello there (y/n! Finished you're walk i see. Flam says with cheer. -Flim, Flam can i ask you something? You say. -Sure, go ahead. Flim said. -I thought that, if i could possible maybe, move in with you? You hesitate. -That would be wonderful! Flam says. -We would love a new room mate! Flim says. -Well, great! Let's get started tomorrow, shall we? You say with a cute smile. 


-Ok let's do this! You say as you all get started on moving you're stuff. You all finish with you're move, and deside to rest a bit. Someone knocks on the door, and Flam stands up to get it. He opens the door. -Uuuhh.........., howdy there? Where's (y/n? Apple Jack says. Flam is suprised and welcomes Apple Jack in. Apple Jack spots you instantly. -Howdy there (y/n)! I heard from the towns ponies that you moved into this house! But thats besides the point. WHY ARE THESE TWO SHARLATONS HERE ALL AND ABOUT?????!!! Apple Jack says with anger in her tone. Flim and Flam get an "offended" face. -Well, Appl-. You say. -This is a mighty nice place ya got here! A bit fancy but it sure is s sweet house! Apple Jack says. Flim and Flam look at each other and form a charming smile. -Now what are ya'll smirking at? Apple Jack says annoyed. -I was trying to tell you AJ, but this is Flim and Flam's house. And I moved here to be their new room mate. -Say what? AJ says in a low tone. -It is true. Flim says. -ARE YOU SAYING THAT YOU MOVED TOGETHER WITH FLIM AND FLAM AND IM IN THEIR HOUSE??????!!!!???!! I ALSO TAKE EVERYTHING BACK ABOUT WHAT I SAID ABOUT THIS PLACE!!!! AJ shouts in anger. -...yes...? You say. -THATS IT! I'M OUT! AJ says while runs out the door. -Way to be rude AJ... You think outloud.
-Oh and will you come to the spa with me and Rarity? AJ asks. -*sigh* Sure. You say.

You head to the spa with AJ, Rarity is already waiting.


-Here we are! AJ says. -Why hello there darlings! Let's go the the sauna shall we?
You all go to the sauna to relax, as AJ tells the "terrible" news to Rarity. -Rarity, you CAN'T belive this! Something horrible has happened!

(ps: AJ is le jerk.)

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