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You keep running, you give coins and take ingridients with your magic while you run. You slow down as the ground piles up in front of you're whooves, and sit down to lean on a tree. - GASP, GASP, GASP. OMMMAGAAA I RUN LIKE BIRDS! WHY DID I EVEN LEAVE???!!! You panic. -What will they think of me!!?? Oh gosh they probably think I'm the weirdest ever!!! I WANNA DIEEEE!!!! You panic even more. A pony walks past you and glances at you weird as you akwardly smile back and wave.

Meanwhile in the brothers house

-Well.., that was..unexpected. Flim said. -Mmhhmm. Flam agrees. -Sigh, what did I say about this earlier? You need to know when to tone it down! Flim said. Flam let's out a small grunt and says. -Fine! Ill try. Flam said. Flim smiles. -Good, 'cause did you see her face? Red as an apple! Flim said. Flam grunts. -You don't want her to feel like that do you, brother? Flim asks. -I think it's adoroble.... Flam says in a quiet voice. -Sorry, what was that? Flim asks. -I think it's..umm..adoroble... Flam said in a quiet voice but just barely louder. -Flam, please i can't hear you. Flim said. -I SAID I THINK IT'S ADOROBLE OK! SHE IS ADOROBLE! I'M SORRY I CAN'T HELP MYSELF! Flam shouts. Flims ears perk back in suprise.

Meanwhile with (y/n).

-Ok.., ok, ok, ok ok, just go back..and uhh..apologize? Ill just get back..and UGH JUST GO! You think out loud. You throt you're way to the twins house, take a deep breath and open the door. Flim and Flam were sitting on the couch as they turn to look at you. You stare at them blankly as the akward silence sneaks in. You blush. -H-hi. I'm back, here, in the house, ok BYE! you say as you run upstairs. You go in to Flam's room (since thats the room that you sleep in) and slam the door shut as you begin to hyper ventilate. Flim gets up and throts to upstairs in his brothers room and at the same time getting a confused look from Flam.
Flim opens the door and you jump and turn to him with a spooked face. -WAH! Oh hi Flim, what are you doing here? You ask. Flim doesn't answer and shuts the door with his back leg. He walks closer to you, but slowly. -Uhh.., Flim?? You say confused. Flim starts throtting over to you and pushes you against the wall. You shut you're eyes as a reflex. You open you're eyes to see Flim sitting on top of you while you're back is against the wall.



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