Chapter Fifteen

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Bronte looked angry as usual, but sat pompously. Sophie could hardly believe he was Mr. Forkle.

Oralie looked to be staying calm in the middle of the storm. Noland looked to be his nervous self as usual, and Terik sat looking a little shaken, but was hiding it well. Sophie looked at the elves below, they were all innocent... Yet there was impending doom over them, more as below them, but they still nervously stood about as if sensing it.

They didn't deserve this.

The sickening feeling in Sophie's chest churned and her mouth turned dry. She could do nothing to stop the deaths that were to come, what she could do was try to prepare herself. But how was someone supposed to prepare to watch innocent lives slaughtered before their eyes? How was one supposed to look at somebody and know they might not be alive in a few minutes?

Sophie's eyes flicked to the platform as a movement caught her eye. Tam and Linh had appeared.

"Tam!" Sophie practically screamed through transmission. Sophie could see him jump at the sound and look around, as Linh embraced the Vackers. "Tam get everyone out of here. Please. Grady and Edaline are near the back with Dex and his family. Please get them out of here." Sophie begged. Tam looked around. As he pulled Linh back his shadow spread beneath the Vackers' feet. "Now." Sophie persisted. Tam looked angry, and his shadow reached to Keefe who showed up beside Linh. Keefe froze and looked around as if he could feel her panic, worry and dread, he tugged on Linh's arm and his mouth moved but Sophie couldn't hear it.

Alden spoke next, but was nodding. Della clutched on to his arm looking upset, but Alden kissed her, causing the worry to wash away. Fitz pulled his mom away as Biana hugged Alden tight, before stepping back. Fitz shot his Dad a look who smiled encouraging, Sophie didn't even have to read his lips to know he was saying 'there is no reason to worry' before he took his seat. The others walked through the crowd to the back. Where they joined Edaline, Grady and the Dizznees.

Tam's shadow spread to them and they nodded. Tam looked around, but Stina showed up next to him. Before she took he hand, and followed him and the others to the very back of the crowd. Alden sat in the front row, calmly, he looked at peace. He was staying. Sophie switched her view to one of her identities she had named Beth.

Beth hurried after the group, she slipped out of the crowd and met Tam's eyes, "Tam." Beth said. "Beth?" Tam asked. Beth nodded. "Follow me." Beth said, Sophie couldn't look at the others as she knew she'd make Beth fling herself in their arms. "Wait who are y-"

"Now is neither the place nor time." Beth cut Keefe off. "Right now all you need to know, is that you can trust me. I'm here to protect you." Beth said as she walked through Eternalia. "It's alright." Tam told the others before following Beth. "Where are we going?" He asked. "Somewhere safe." Beth replied as she ducked into an ally. "Is Eternalia not safe?" Juline asked. Beth stopped in front of the dead end and looked at her. "We can't risk it can we?" Beth turned back to the blank wall, she counted the bricks. "What is she doing?" Rex whispered. Beth however found the brick. Glancing back at the ally, she pushed it. The wall slid open. "Watch your step and wait until someone gets at the bottom, I'll be sure to get Alden to safety." Beth said. "Are you positive?" Tam asked, not exactly to Beth but to Sophie.

"Yes. Be careful." Beth said. Tam held out his hand. "You as well." Beth shook his hand, before he started walking down the dark staircase. The others shot Beth glances but she ignored them. But as Della passed Beth grabbed her arm, stopping her. "I promise I'll protect your husband." She said Della smiled before hurrying after her daughter, Fitz passed and Beth couldn't look at him as he passed. Once they were all safely in the walls, Beth slid the wall closed before hurrying back to the gathering.

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