Sad Girl

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Everyone stares at me as I walk down the hall. I didn't expect for all of this to happen, I really didn't. Since no one else likes me besides Ronnie, she's all I've got. A couple of weeks after school started, my friend, Jenna, disappeared without saying a word to anyone. Jenna's friend, Hannah, who I have to pretend to like, has been making my life a complete hell. She's been shoving me in the halls, taunting me in class, and basically doing whatever she can to make my already sucky life miserable. The only friend I have right now is my friend Veronica, or, as I call her, Ronnie. She's the only person who likes me in my entire school, and will actually talk to me instead of taunt me.

"Come on, Elodie," Ronnie calls me and motions for me to follow her into the cafeteria. I gulp and shake my head.

"Thanks, but I think I'll just go to the library today instead," I can't bear to be in the cafe. All the people staring at me makes my already bad anxiety worse. Ronnie asks me if I'm going to eat lunch, to which I shake my head to again. "Not today," I give her a small smile- meant to reassure one of us, but I don't know whom- and head for the library.

The smell of books old and new helps to calm my nerves somewhat, as I sign in at the front desk, waving a bit to the librarian. I head to a table to work on my homework for the period, happy that Ronnie didn't make me stay in the cafeteria. My stomach grumbles but I just ignore it, choosing instead to drink some water and focus on my math problems.

When I get home, the cold air hits my face. My mother isn't home, most likely out with her friends, probably spending all the money I was supposed to have for college. I sigh and walk upstairs to my room, carelessly throwing my backpack on my desk. I do my best to keep the negative thoughts out, but it's hard tonight, and I fail.

It all started when Hannah's ex-boyfriend, Roy, tried to hit on me at a party. I tried to get away from him, but he wouldn't let me leave. Hannah saw us together, and got really angry at me, even though I told her that it was her boyfriend that tried to kiss me. After that incident and Jenna leaving, Hannah became the school's queen bee, ready to hurt me at any moment. I don't understand why she hates me though, because she's dating someone else now. To think that I once called her my friend seems strange, and her stinging words melt in with my own self-deprecating thoughts. Some of those thoughts and insults include the stereotypical I'm not good enough; but then change into less-general thoughts, like that Hannah has a right to hate me, that Ronnie should, and that I already do. The worst part is that I can't tell which ones were from me, and which were from my lovely classmates. Jenna would've never let this happen;I was always the one she cared about the most in this school. But Jenna isn't here anymore, and now I have to survive on my own.

Jenna's absence flipped my life around. I was once one of the popular girls. Don't get me wrong, I don't miss being popular, I just miss not getting harassed every day. I need to figure out where Jenna went, and why. I just never have enough time to do any research She'd do the same for me.

AN: Hey guys! Hope you like this new story; it'll have 8 parts and I'll upload at least once every Sunday, if not more. Don't forget to comment and vote! ~Kye

YellowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora