The Damage

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"Dan! What the hell! Why are you helping her?" I hear Hannah shriek. "She's a loser. She doesn't matter, I do. I thought you cared about me, hmm? Wait, what are you doing-" a door closes and it's quiet for a minute.

"Alright, everybody out! Party's over," I hear Dan yell. "Thanks for coming, see you all Monday. Veronica, you stay,"  feet shuffle closer to me, but I'm unable to open my eyes. A hand finds my pulse on my neck and I hear Ronnie mutter a "thank God". She asks for help as she tries to lift me up, but being in heels is unable to find the proper balance. Dan lifts me up with ease and places me on his couch, a drastic change from the cold, hard floor. "Wow, she's about as heavy as a bag of marshmallows," I hear him joke. Thanks. My eyes finally flutter open and I'm left looking at my best friend's worried face standing over me.

"El! Thank God," she shouts. I wince at her loud voice, trying to ignore my throbbing head. "Dan! She's up," he runs back into the living room from the kitchen with a bag of ice.

"Oh cool! Nice," he gives me the ice and I put it under my head, fuzzily recollecting what happened. "Hey, I'm really sorry about what Hannah did. I kicked everyone out, but..." he trails off.

"It's ok. Thanks for even doing anything at all. Most people would just leave me there," I respond, looking at him. I sit up and feel my pounding head. I look at Ronnie and she apologizes for losing me in the crowd of people. I bitterly laugh and tell her it isn't her fault. I attempt to get up, only to be met with a spinning room as I'm ushered back down onto the couch. Well, crap.

Two doctor's visits later, I'm diagnosed with a mild concussion. The doctor ordered me to stay at home until I don't have any symptoms, which could take over a month. My mother, ever the unconcerned, continues to yell at me for wasting her money on doctor's visits that I wouldn't have needed if I hadn't gone out. Of course, this is my fault.

"... it is your fault! You tried to make friends, or whatever. It isn't like anyone really likes you! You just take up space and cost money, and that's all you do," she continues ranting. I try to not let the words hurt me, but it's hard for them not to. My mother's yelling makes my head hurt even worse, and I start to feel nauseous. As soon as she pulls up into the driveway I run up into my room, locking the door. I can still hear her voice as she yells at me, failing to muffle the noise with a pillow. The taunts continue as I remember the insults my classmates gave me earlier. Tears roll down my face, and my mood is far from yellow.

AN: Hey guys! Hope you like this new chapter! What do you think will happen next? Don't forget to comment and vote! ~Kye

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