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I don't remember a time that I didn't wear yellow. Before he died, my dad would always dress me up in it. I like the bright color because it reminds me of simpler times, when everyone was happy, before everyone changed. The color brings me back to when we all got along, and when nobody tried to make others' lives miserable.

"Hey! Ronnie," I yell as I fight my way through the crowd of people entering the school. "What's up?" Ronnie looks at me excitedly, her curly hair defying gravity as she bounces up and down.

"El! Guess what? I was invited to Dan's party next weekend," she smiles.

"Oh," I smile back. "That's cool! Good for you! I haven't gotten an invite yet," I grimace a bit. "Have fun," I look down at the floor, trying my best to not trip into anyone today. Dan is one of the most popular kids in the school. He used to be nice to everyone, but lately he's been dating Hannah, and she's got him wrapped around her finger. I sort of feel bad for him.

"Hey, El, you can come with me to the party, if you'd like," Ronnie says. I toss the idea around in my mind a bit before deciding that I will go, even if I don't want to. I need to get out of my house more, anyway.

As soon as I walk into the party, I know it's a bad idea. If only I had trusted my gut. Everyone got quiet when Dan opened the door to me and Ronnie. Ronnie had her curly brown hair tied up into a bun with a blue ribbon, and was wearing a casual dress that matched. She managed to convince me to wear a dress similar to hers, but I made sure it was my signature color. I had my light hair down like usual, and wore my favorite necklace. I thought I looked somewhat decent.

Dan smiled when he opened the door, a glimpse of his kindness to me showing through when he let me come in. I could've sworn I saw Hannah staring me down in the corner, but I shrugged it off. I am not going to let anyone ruin tonight for me, at least not before I get food.

I awkwardly maneuver through the crowd of wasted teenagers to try to find Veronica. We had gotten separated when she saw her crush, Ryan Eddie. Ryan isn't a bad guy, but I just can't picture him and Ronnie together. Of course, I don't tell her that. I just let her do her thing. As I get distracted by the food on the table, someone walks up to me and taps my shoulder. I turn around to realize I'm face to face with Hannah and her brown dress.

"What are you doing here? Getting free food to fatten up yourself? Like you need that," she snarls at me and laughs. I notice the people in the surrounding area quiet down. "I mean, you're already a pig," she adds, turning around so the others can listen. "Right? Everyone," Hannah glares at everyone, prompting people to add in.

"Yeah, what a pig," I hear a voice say.

"I mean, how pathetic can she be," another adds. Hannah looks at me, and I'm pressed between her and the table. My mind starts to go all over the place. What can I do?

"Well, what do you have to say, Pig?" She turns around to face me. I gulp and try to ignore her, attempting to push past her so I could leave. "Don't touch me, Fattie," she yells and grabs my arms, pulling me back and shoving me into the ground. I look around at everyone, using my eyes to plead with someone to help me out.

If only Ronnie was here to help. Even Jenna would be nice. Tears form in my eyes as Hannah continues to berate me and other kids laugh. I'm pulled off of the ground by someone, and then just as quickly I'm shoved down, my knees and hands hurting as I try to catch myself. I can't do anything to fight back, because last time I tried to Hannah won, and I've only gotten weaker. Yes, the voice in my head says, you are weak. You can't even go to a party without getting hurt. Pathetic. I stand up and locate the nearest exit as people continue to rain down insults on me and shove me. You deserve this. As I try to run out, people block the exit, pulling me back into the violent swarm of people.

"Loser!" The insults keep pouring down, the people I once called friends shouting them out. Everything starts to get blurry, and I can hear myself hyperventilating. Someone shouts at everyone to stop, but by then it's too late. The damage has been done. My surroundings spin, and I feel my head hit the tile with a thud. I still hear taunts and insults, and every single word is ingrained in my brain as my vision fades to black and I lose consciousness.

AN: Hey guys! Hope you like this new chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote! Also, how do you all feel about Hannah? Let me know! ~Kye

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