A Small Cafe

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"Eames! It's your lunch break! You have one hour." My boss yelled from across the hallway. "Thank you, Dr. Hance." I responded as I picked up my cellphone to see a text from my ex husband, Seth, "Hey June, I'm so sorry but I can't pick Anderson up from school today. I know it's my day but could you please do it for me? Thanks!"

I clenched my phone in my hands as I read the text. I knew that he had another date with that hoe of his. I decided not to respond as I walked into my boss' office. "Excuse me, Dr. Hance? Could I please work through my lunch break and get off two hours early to pick up my son?" I asked politely.

My boss looked up at me over the paperwork in his hands with his large piercing eyes and gently laid the papers on his desk. "June, I'm normally big on getting a full days work out of each of my employees and you're beyond acceptable when it comes to that. In fact, I believe you're overworking yourself. I know you're a young single mother and it's difficult balancing work with school and your kids. There's a small coffee shop across the street that is honestly amazing and it shouldn't take long at all for you to eat and come back. How about you go there for lunch and still get off two hours early?" He asked.

I couldn't believe my ears. The doctor has always told me that if I didn't work a whole day that I wouldn't get paid and now he was letting me have a lunch break AND letting me get off early? This was amazing! "Thank you so much Doctor! I owe you one!" I said as I grabbed my jacket off of the rack. He chuckled and I smiled back at him and left his office.

I walked down the long hallway to the elevator and hit the down button. One other man came in behind me and told me that he was going to the same floor as me. "So, you going to Le Petite Cafe?" He asked. I froze, how the hell did he know about that? "Uh yeah, why?" I asked. "I figured, everyone's going there during break. Brendon Urie is preforming a few songs there since he's in town and that was his favorite place to hang out when he was younger." Today was really turning out to be an amazing one. I have loved Panic! at the Disco ever since I was a teenager and I've always wanted to see them in concert, and hearing that Brendon grew up here and that the coffee shop across from the office where I work was his favorite place when he was a kid was music to my ears.

I didn't know how to respond to the man so I just stared in disbelief and he smiled back at me. "I'm guessing you're a fan and you didn't know?" He laughed. "Y-yeah kinda." I replied with a nervous grin. The elevator finally stopped and we both got off together and walked across the street to a nice and clean little cafe. He held the door open for me and I was immediately hit with the smell of hot coffee and sweets. I couldn't help but smile as my eyes glanced at a sign that said please seat yourself. I did as the sign said and sat at a small table for two in the corner of the shop.

A cute little waitress came over to me with a pen and paper to take my order. "W-welcome to L-le Petite C-cafe! H-how may I serve you?" She asked. She sounded really nervous so out of worry I asked, "Hey, are you okay?" She looked up at me with her huge blue eyes and smiled, "Oh, I'm sorry! Yes, I'm fine I'm just really nervous about Brendon performing. We've never really had a celebrity here before especially not one of my favorite ones and I'm about to die from anticipation." I laughed at her response and agreed with her and gave her my order. Once I finished she smiled and walked to the back of the cafe to submit my order.

I sat in my chair thinking to myself for a while. Suddenly, I noticed a girl with bright red hair entering the shop. I scanned her face and noticed extremely heavy makeup and bright red lipstick. My eyes fell to her outfit to notice that she wasn't wearing much. She had a tight short black T-shirt that hugged her skinny body with black leather shorts and black knee high leather boots. Behind her was a face I knew all too well and it caused me to hide behind my menu. It was my ex. I knew that he saw me and I tried my best to act like I didn't notice him and it seemed to work pretty well. I continued to hide behind the menu and panic as the lights in the shop began to dim.

"Ladies and gentlemen." A little heavy man with a pink polo shirt and khakis said while standing on a small wooden platform in the middle of the cafe. "Presenting, the lead singer from Panic! At the Disco, Brendon Urie!" The small audience clapped as a tall man with short black hair and an abnormally large forehead walked onto the stage. A large smile lit up his face as he scanned the audience. "How's everyone today??" He asked as the audience cheered and clapped. "It's been a long time since I've been here, I really miss this place sometimes." He said while still smiling. He didn't talk much at all until he moved onto his first song, Victorious.

Once he finished, the crowd screamed as he laughed and thanked them. Once again, he started to look at all of the faces in the audience. I was limited to what I could see because of the giant menu I was hiding behind to avoid Seth. I could feel his eyes on me and it made me extremely uncomfortable. I peeked over to watch the performance to notice that Brendon's eyes were locked on mine. I quickly looked away as he stated the next song he was going to sing, The End of all Things.

The music began to play and instead of staying on the platform, he began to walk around the room. He sang to each table, shook hands, gave out high fives and even managed to take a selfie with someone while singing at the same time. I was honestly amazed as he continued around the room to each table singing the beautiful lyrics in the song.

I peeked over my menu and noticed the disgusted look on Seth's face when Brendon skipped his table which made me chuckle a bit but also wonder why because he had gone to literally every other table. I was too busy thinking and hiding from Seth that I didn't notice that Brendon was at my table and not only singing, but he was sitting across from me. I saw a finger bend across the top of my menu and push it down revealing his face. He looked so much different close up than on tv or YouTube. His chocolate brown eyes were locked on mine and his mouth was singing the words of the song beautifully. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

He slid the menu to the side of the table, away from us and grabbed my hand without breaking eye contact. Then, he stood up and invited me to stand with him. He then spun me around as if we were dancing to the beat of the slow, beautiful song. I smiled and broke the grip of my hand on his expecting him to do the same, but he didn't. He pulled me up to the platform he was preforming on and started to actually dance with me. He twirled me and pulled me close as we swayed to the beat of the beautiful words escaping his lips. It felt like a dream come true that didn't end until the song did.

Once it ended, he looked into my eyes and smiled and I did the same. I knew for a fact that my ex was staring at me and that he was jealous and it made me smile even more. This day couldn't get any better.

I walked back to my seat while the crowd cheered and took a peek at my phone. I was having so much fun that I didn't even notice the time. I grabbed my bag, threw some cash on the table that I was sure was more than enough and ran out the door, I hurried across the street to the office building, but I was stopped by a hand being gently placed on my shoulder causing me to quickly turn back.

It was Brendon.

My heart began to beat out of my chest. "Where are you going so quickly?" He asked, cocking his head a bit to the side. "Work, I was only allowed ten minutes and I stayed for thirty." I replied. He frowned, "You didn't say goodbye or even tell me what your name was." He said. I was confused, why would he want to know what my name is? I couldn't speak because of the shock and I'm pretty sure he noticed. He laughed a bit and grabbed a notebook out of the unzipped bag I was carrying. He wrote something down on an empty page, tore it out, and stuffed it in the pocket on my shirt. "Please don't tell anyone else what's on this paper or show it to ANYONE!" Before I could say anything, he walked away and left me standing in front of my office excited and confused.

Look-Alike (a Brendon Urie fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now