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"Wakey wakey" a strange voice said.

I opened my heavy eyes to feel a pain in my head like knives being stabbed in my brain. I finally began to wake up and realize that my hands and legs were taped to a chair.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked the strange man. A boy dressed completely in black that looked no older than fifteen crouched down to my level. "Hush" he said as he put a piece of tape over my lips. "The boss was very happy with you when he met you. You could be the lucky winner." The boy said as he pushed a metal tray with many tools and supplies in it to the left of my chair.

I squirmed and screamed under the tape which made the kid chuckle as he left the room leaving me alone in a dark and terrifying room. About ten minutes later the door opened bringing a little bit of light into the room. The person that entered flipped a light switch so that I could see him clearly.

It was Brendon.

I could hear my heartbeat in fear as I began to sweat like a dog. He walked up to me without saying a word and ripped the tape off of my lips leaving a stinging feeling behind that caused me to gasp. I had so many questions on my mind that I was dying to ask but before I had the chance Brendon began to speak,

"June, I've been watching you for a while now. Ever since the day I saw you in that coffee shop crying because you caught your husband sleeping with another woman." I froze. How did he know I went to the coffee shop after the incident? "What? How?" I managed to say. "I had a friend of mine sit beside of you and ask you if you were okay. Lucky enough instead of telling her you were fine you told her your entire life story!" He laughed a bit. "You were just too easy." He said.

"What do you mean too easy?" I asked. He laughed hysterically and I stared the entire time in horror. "You'll find out soon." He said as he picked up a tablet from the table beside of him and typed something into it. "Look." He said. He pointed the tablet in my direction revealing a news article. The large font read, "Brendon Urie, lead singer of Panic! At the Disco and Kinky Boots star arrested for the rape and murder of six young adult females."

I looked up at Brendon in fear and back down to the tablet. I knew that I had to seem strong so he wouldn't be amused with my fear and pain. "Did you escape?" I asked. He laughed a bit, "You just read an article about how I raped and killed six girls and all you're worried about is whether I escaped or not?" I looked up at him with an unafraid look on my face, "Pretty much." He directed the article towards me revealing the date it was written, yesterday's date.

"How did I manage to perform all day at the coffee shop, get arrested and break out, and meet you here at the hotel all in one day?" He asked. I looked away from Brendon. I didn't understand what was happening, I was so confused. Finally, he walked away from me and turned around dramatically.

"Hello June, my name is James Duncan but you can call me either Sir or Master." "What the literal fuck is going on here" I responded immediately. "It's quite simple actually. I was blessed by God to have been born with the face almost identical to a very famous celebrity and with a little surgery magic and lip syncing, passing off as this man wasn't difficult at all." He said with a smirk on his face. I knew it was too good to be true. I didn't respond to James at all. Instead I just hung my head in shame.

For the first time in years I was actually happy. I thought back to the moment where he and I were dancing at the coffee shop. I thought it was real. I thought I was actually living every thirteen year old girl's dream. I actually thought I was inside of a fan fiction written by a random girl on Wattpad. I allowed tears to fall down my face as I kept my head down. I didn't want to see the look of satisfaction on James' face that I knew was there. I knew I was too weak to escape this alive. In fact, I haven't even been attacked yet and I was already accepting death. I heard a giggle come from his direction but I kept my head down.

"What would you like to do first, pet?" He asked as I kept my head facing the floor. He walked over to me and jerked my head up by my chin and forced our eyes to lock, "Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you June." He said angrily. He walked around my chair and traced his finger around my neck sending chills up my spine. "Yes, you are different from the rest. I might just have to pick you." Memories of the young kid leaving the tray beside of my chair and telling me that I could be the lucky winner came back into my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously. "Did you actually think you were the only one here? No, there are other women here too. In fact you're my seventh one! Yes, I know my beautiful news article said that the other six were murdered but that's just because of the amazing work my crew did to fake their deaths and keep the police from searching. They even did the same thing for you while framing the real Brendon Urie in the process. Sadly, he was arrested so you're going to have to be our last for a while. Anyways, I'm getting off topic! There are seven of you and I'm going to kill six of you slowly and painfully. The last one I'll let live will be my wife. She'll do everything I ask and in return she will live in luxury with me." He responded.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest. Anderson thinks I'm dead? What if I don't die? I'll have to live the rest of my life with this psychopath and most likely be tortured the entire time.

Suddenly, James walked over to the tray that the boy placed beside of me and grabbed a syringe and stuck it in my neck. Less then a few minutes later my eyelids were once again heavy and my vision faded to black

A/N Hey it's me again! Ok I get that this isn't like other fanfics because all of the characters are original and Brendon's name is just said here and there making it not really a Brendon Urie fanfiction but stay with me I promise you won't be disappointed. I'm also incorporating some female Youtubers and singers as the six women which I'm really excited for. Thanks for reading! Xxx

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