Taking Risks

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I sipped my coffee as I sat in the long line of cars by my son's middle school. The line was so long that I could barely see the school so I decided to look for something to do to pass the time.

I shuffled through a few stations on the radio until I found I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At the Disco. I listened for a few minutes and sang along while tapping my fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the song until a thought popped into my head. The paper Brendon put in my pocket! I never looked at it! I dug in the pocket of my flannel shirt until I found the neatly folded sheet that Brendon stuck in it. I fished it out and opened it immediately with anticipation. On the paper was his phone number and it took literally everything in me to not start screaming right there in my car.

I immediately entered the number in my phone and started a conversation with him with a simple "hey". Less than a minute later my phone buzzed revealing a response from him and that's when the chain of messages began.

B: It's about time! I've been waiting for you to call/text all afternoon

J: Sorry!! I had to catch up on the work I lost while watching you during my lunch and I completely forgot lol

B: You should make it up to me

J: How so?

B: Meet me at the hotel that's closest to the same coffee shop we were in today... I'll be in the lobby waiting for you

J: I have a kid tho I can't just leave him

B: put him to bed and meet me all I wanna do is chat it won't be long

J: idk you could be a serial killer how do I know I can trust you?

B: life's all about taking risks

J: that's not reassuring...

B: here's an answer you'd like better... you can trust me

J: much better... I'll see what I can do no promises tho

B: thanks! Hope to see you soon!

J: me too

There I was, I was going to meet one of my favorite celebrities in a hotel room to chat. I felt as if I was going crazy because I knew that it was way too good to be true. However I didn't want to believe it. As he said, "Life's all about taking risks!"

I was finally at the front of the line and I saw my twelve year old son walking towards my car. He opened the passenger side door and slumped down in his chair. "I'm guessing your day in school wasn't the best." I said. He looked up at me and I could tell that tears were forming in his eyes. "Mom, dad's new kids are making my life a living hell!" He said while the forming tears in his eyes began to fall down his round cheeks and hit his Fall Out Boy T-shirt.

"Watch your mouth, boy! Anyways, what happened this time?" I asked. Anderson pulled up his sleeve revealing many bruises. Then, he pushed away his long, black fringe and revealed the word "faggot" written on his forehead in sharpie. The skin around it was red which meant he was scrubbing at it fairly recently. "I'll talk to your father tonight. I need you to tell your principal about this so those assholes can get the punishment they deserve." I told him. "If I do that then they'll surely kill me when whatever punishment she gives them wears off!" He sobbed. I couldn't stand seeing Anderson crying like this in front of me. He was such a strong boy and seeing him in such a weak state was heartbreaking.

"Anderson, trust me I'll do something about this that won't get anyone killed, I promise." I told him reassuringly. He looked up at me with desperate eyes and smiled, "Thank you." He said.

We pulled into our driveway and opened the doors. Once we got inside I threw my bags on my desk and Anderson ran straight towards the stairs and to his room. "Hey Andy?" I yelled up the stairs. "I'm going out tonight, you think you'll be ok here by yourself until I get back?" He opened his door and walked to the top of the stairs and looked down at me, "Yeah mom, hope you have fun." I smiled and immediately ran for my bedroom.

I looked at the mirror on my dresser and noticed that my shoulder length brown hair was a mess. I decided to curl it and brush it out leaving it with a cute little wave. I then reapplied my eyeshadow that I had from this morning and put on a bit of dark red lipstick. After that, I opened the door to my closet and found a cute brown and blue sun dress that I thought would be perfect for the weather and occasion.

I grabbed my wide framed black glasses from the kitchen counter and walked out the door while yelling a sweet goodbye to Andy. I started my car, turned up my music, and headed for the hotel beside of the coffee shop. A few minutes passed until I finally arrived! It was a very nice hotel and I was really excited to see Brendon again.

I opened the doors and immediately saw him sitting at a small couch near the front desk. "How can I help you ma'am?" The woman at the desk asked me. "She's with me, thank you." Brendon said, standing up and grabbing my hand. I couldn't help but blush as he lead me to his room. He opened the door and I began to take in my surroundings.

It was an average hotel room with one bed, a flatscreen television, a bathroom, and a mini fridge sitting by a small window. He motioned me to sit beside him on the bed and I did as I was told. We laid down and stared into each other's eyes awkwardly for what seemed like hours until he broke the silence. "So, you have a husband?" He asked me. "Oh no, we divorced two years after my son was born after I caught him cheating." I replied. "That's terrible, I'm sorry." He said with a sympathetic look on his face. "What about you? Don't you have a wife?" I asked him. A look of panic appeared on his face as he struggled to think of a response. "We have an open relationship." He finally said.

He sat up and walked over to the mini fridge and pulled out two beers and threw one to me. "Thank you, I could use this." I said and laughed. He laughed with me as we sipped our drinks and continued to talk. After a few minutes of chatting I began to feel really sick on my stomach. "Brendon, I feel really sick. I think I should go home." I said. "But you just drank a beer! You can't drive yet!" He said.

He was right, it wasn't safe. "Damnit, I'll take the bus and I'll come back tomorrow morning." I said. "Why not stay here with me? It'll be much easier and your office is right across the street! You can borrow some of my sound girl's clothes. She's right across the hall and I'm sure she wouldn't mind sparing a dress!" He said desperately.

I tried to respond but my vision was too blurry and I was way too dizzy. "Brendon you don't understand, I feel really REALLY sick. I really don't want you to see me vomit." I said while chuckling a bit which caused pains to rush up my stomach. I saw his mouth moving but I couldn't hear the words escaping his lips. I grew more and more tired and I felt my eyelids getting really heavy. I fell back onto the bed as my eyelids fell. The last thing I saw was a slight smirk appear on his face before everything went black.

A/N sorry for the short chapter and the crappy grammar. I'm so tired and I literally wrote this at 12:00. But hey, new book! What do you think so far? I'm trying to make it seem realistic and you'll understand what I mean in the future. I'm also planning for this to be a pretty short fanfic with maybe 8-10 chapters, I'm not sure yet. But please tell me what you think about it so far and all suggestions are open!

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