You want me to do what?

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It's been three days since we've seen James. Three days since anyone has moved. Three days since anyone has eaten. The strange boy with the cart brought us a cup of water every once in a while. We were all in the same position, except the perfect circle of women surrounding a man had a gap where Savannah once sat. Her body was never removed from the room, so the smell of her decaying flesh mixed with the vomit of two soft stomached girls caused the room to reek.

Suddenly the door opened and a masked man walked in with a tray that smelled like food. I looked down at my stomach and felt with my tied hands at the visible rib cage. I was starving. From the faces of all the other girls and Brendon, they were too.

"Hello, my lovelies!" The masked man said. Everyone knew it was James after hearing the voice almost identical to Brendon's. "Are you excited for our next game?" He said with a grin, while clapping his hands together. Nobody responded and his smile dropped. "Answer me!" He yelled. Everyone nodded or agreed weakly, except Dodie. She had become so weak from starvation that she couldn't sit up. James' head cocked to her first and jerked her up by her head. "You're quite a meek little girl aren't you?" He whispered in her ear, causing her to shiver. I felt sympathy for her as she attempted to speak, but her body simply wouldn't let her. James raised an arm and three boys that looked no older than fifteen entered the room with sharp knives in hand. They went around to each person and cut them free from the ropes and tape that contained them. Everyone wanted to fight or kick with their newly found freedom but nobody had the strength. All we could do was sit there, shaking. "Follow me please." He said as he left the room.

One by one each girl began to stand up. Each one grunting and groaning while trying to gain the strength go stand on their two legs. Once every girl was untied, the three boys huddled around Brendon, who was in the middle, still tied up. Instead of untying him, they joined their strengths, lifting him up and carrying him in James' direction. Ashley and Melanie ran to Dodie's aid who was too weak to walk anywhere on her own.

I was the last to leave the cold, disgusting, and now empty room, closing the door behind me out of habit. The train of people walked down a long and narrow hallway with visible mold and mildew growing from the walls. The smell was almost as bad as the decaying body. I drug my nail against the wall as I walked just out of curiosity and the substance caught between my nail and my actual finger was almost neon green. I was so weak from not eating or standing for three days that walking the short distance of the hallway felt like running a marathon. James finally turned to the left and unlocked a random door leading to an oddly clean dining room of sorts.

The table in the center of the room was packed full of food. Chicken, turkey, ham, rolls, vegetables, almost anything you could imagine. I felt drool uncontrollably escape my mouth while looking at the sight. I was too scared to move out of fear that a bullet would be put through my brain.

"Eat." Was all James said as all six of us practically dashed to the table, as if he shot a gun indicating the start of a race. I didn't trust any of the food I saw in front of me but I was either going to die of poisoning or starvation anyways. One sounded a lot less painful than the other so I allowed myself to drown in the feast.

James didn't sit at the table, nor did he eat, which worried me a bit. However, I was still starving and continued to eat without guilt.

"This is a good time for a short new game isn't it?" James said with that devilish grin. "Ashley, I haven't spoken to you very much yet... how are you?"

Ashley gulped as James approached her and whispered in her ear. I could almost see the chills go up her spine and the sweat fall from her face.

"I want to go home" was all she managed to spit out. "Please, I'll do anything. I have a family, a boyfriend, a dog... they all need me." She begged after gaining a sudden amount of courage.

Look-Alike (a Brendon Urie fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now