Truth or Dare

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We sat in silence for a good half hour. James left after getting bored of waiting for Brendon to wake up and just left us alone together in the room to think to ourselves.

We were all terrified of what was to happen next that we were speechless. I looked down at the rope and tape on my wrists and ankles, my wrists were now bleeding and my toes were numb. Savannah and Gabby were now awake and also silent. It stayed that way until we heard shuffling and a muffled groan from the middle of the room. Brendon who was laying on his side in the middle of the circle of girls sat up and looked around.

"Sarah? What happened?" He said as he sat up. His tired face immediately changed to a shocked one as he jerked his head across the room. "Fuck, it wasn't a dream!" He cried.

It was strange. One of my all time favorite celebrities was right in front of my face and I didn't care. I was so scared that it didn't phase me. I went to open my mouth when suddenly footsteps and whistling were heard outside of the door.

"Ah, Brendon! Good morning dear twin!" James said as he walked to the circle of girls surrounding the one guy. Brendon looked up at him and his face dropped when his eyes met James'. "You really are my look-alike." He said in awe. "Aha, yes. I'm the one that has been causing you the trouble with the police, surprise! Anyway, let's start with our first game, shall we? Truth or Dare!" I couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle. I was going to die playing a game that I played when I was nine.

"What's so funny, Eames? You know, since this is all a joke to you how about you go first? Pick, truth or dare." It didn't take very much thinking to choose which one I wanted. "Truth." I replied quickly. He walked in my direction slowly; each step sending shivers down my spine. "Why were you homeschooled in seventh through twelfth grade?"

I looked at him with a shocked expression and covered my face in my hair. My past, what I thought I had completely outgrown, was coming back.  How did he know is my question. I sniffled and took a deep breath. I'm sure these girls would understand my pain and they wouldn't judge me for it. After all, I'm 28 now. A mature, grown woman.

I took another breath and let it out quickly and painfully, "I had a son to raise." Everyone, including Brendon, stared at me. Tears fell down my face uncontrollably. I knew then I looked weak and venerable in front of James. I looked up at James with pain in my eyes and he just smirked and patted me on the head as if I were an animal and I felt my face boil in rage.

"Savannah, truth or dare?" Her eyes widened and she sat and thought for a while. She must be hiding something huge if she's actually thinking about picking Dare. "Truth" she said with a quick sigh. "Alright this is going to be a would you rather question. Would you rather get stabbed in the hand, or make out with me for three minutes?" "Make out with you." She replied shakily. I could tell that was the last thing she wanted, but she also didn't want to get stabbed and risk hitting a major vein. After all, this is just a truth question.

"Do it then." He said with a smirk and we all gasped. "What? No! It was only a truth I just had to answer the question!" She snapped back. "Do it or... Dodie gets whipped!" He grabbed a leather whip from the box he brought in the room a while ago and held it up behind Dodie's back. "One." He cracked it once and dodie winced in pain, tears already falling down her face. Savannah looked panicked as she yelled, "Stop! Okay I'll do it." James came around and sliced the tied rope off of her wrists but kept them on her legs as he guided her up to his face. She found it hard to balance so James forced her to lean all of her weight on him as he slammed his lips on hers.

She squirmed as his tongue entered her mouth and she whined as it continued on. After about two minutes, the kissing suddenly stopped and Savannah screamed. She looked down at her stomach, it was covered in blood. She fell immediately bringing James into my view with a bloody knife. "She didn't want it, I could tell." My mouth dropped and my eyes stayed locked on the dead body no matter how much I wanted them to leave.

This man is a true psychopath. He dropped the knife and walked back to Dodie who was laying on the floor crying in pain. "It's okay little dove." He said as he kneeled beside of her and wrapped his arms around her in a loving fashion. It terrified me. How he could stab someone and switch personalities almost instantly. I looked at Dodie's face, pale and scared. James' arms explored her body. She asked him to stop but he didn't. He kissed her on the forehead and walked away.

"Truth or dare, Dodie?" He asked. "Truth." She said in her adorable little British accent. "Why don't you like it when people touch you?" He asked. She Began to cry again. She breathed in and out quickly as she panicked. She tried to speak but every word came out a loud sob. "I was raped by my uncle when I was thirteen. I didn't let anyone touch me that way since," She sobbed.

I could tell that this was hard for her and indeed this was one of the worst forms of torture. Now seven people, including a celebrity, know a secret that she probably hasn't even told her closest friends.

I looked at Dodie and back at Savannah, who was face down, dead on the floor.

I'm going to die here

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