Chapter 13

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(3 days after the destruction of the Overwatch HQ)

11:34 AM, London

The busy streets of downtown London bustled with the civilians daily commute as they traveled to and from their work places. You and Lena walked down the streets looking for somewhere to grab some coffee as the both of you had slept in, waking up only hours ago.

"Oi luv! Down there is a great coffee shop!" Lena proclaimed as with one hand she grabbed your shoulder and pointed down the street with the other.

You were still tired from the late night before, you thought some caffeine would do you well. "Lets go there, I could go for a good coffee." You replied to Lena.


A couple of bells chimed as you and Lena entered the small coffee shop, it was mostly empty besides the workers and the two people ahead of you and Lena in line. Upon entering you were hit with an aroma that smelled of fresh pastries and warm coffee.

As you and Lena approached the cash register you were greeted by a worker. He politely took your order, after taking Lena's.

After ordering, you and Lena were quickly given your coffee. You picked up the paper cup that held your coffee, along side a warm cinnamon roll. As Lena picked up her coffee you both made your way to a table with two seats across each other.

Upon taking a seat you took a bite into your cinnamon roll. It melted in your mouth as the thick buttercream icing blended perfectly with the cinnamon sprinkled bun. Lena watched as you savored the bite.

"Mind if I....?" Lena began.

You said nothing as you tore a piece off of your cinnamon treat. Lena rejoiced as she leaned over the table and kissed you on the cheek before snatching the generous gift from your hand.

"Thanks luv." Lena said as a warm smile stretched across her face. Lena took the piece and instantly fed it to herself. Lena's face lit up as she chewed on the sweet treat.

"Good isn't it?" You said with a smirk.

"It's bloody great luv." Lena uttered happily.

Upon finishing your cinnamon roll, you focused more on drinking your coffee.

While sitting at the table, you and Lena chattered nonstop.

The conversation stopped when Lena felt her phone buzz in her pocket.

Lena pulled her phone out and looked at it.

"Oh my..... Y/N your gonna want to see this." Lena showed a concerned expression.

Lena handed her phone to you, it was an alert from Atlas News. It showed a live coverage of the Numbani airport with multiple robots laying mangled on the ground. One robot was blown into the wall.

Only one person could have caused so much chaos.


"We put him in jail though." There's no way he could of broke out!" Lena questioned.

You sighed. "After you guys put Akande in the Helix Security Facility, Reaper kept on talking about breaking him out but I never thought he could actually do it. That place is almost impossible to even get into."

"Well how did they break him out?" Lena inquired.

"I have no clue. Reaper has his ways."

~You and Me~ A Tracer x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now