Chapter 4

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  Few teachers let their students watch the eclipse on the news, but every student that was in a classroom with a window witnessed the darkness that fell over the room. Astonishment and fear were acquainted with the solar phenomena.
  The day continues as any first day would. Alex received many birthday wishes and got in touch with a lot of friends he handed contacted since the last year. He met his new teachers and tried to decipher which ones would give him 9 months of hell and those who would be used as safe havens from the rest of the school.
  The day dragged on as each teacher went through their lost of expectations that would last a month and the course plans.
   The day finally came to an end and Alex went to his car starting her up after being in the hot Texas sun for so long. Once she cooled down he got everyone in and headed home to celebrate his birthday with his family and friends.

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