Chapter 9

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   One day in the middle of math class, Alex got a massive headache. He knew it was time. He told the teacher that he had to use the restroom and stealthily snuck out of school, going through the back bus exit. He drove to the ramp and as he had calculated, the sun was just over head. His stomach clenched into a knot as he saw it. Just passed a patch of clouds, the outline of a foreign planet was making its way towards Earth.
   Alex got out and attached the rockets as he had practiced and connected the wires to the car. Once he was finished he hailed Mary and got back in his car and sped towards the ramp with the rockets on.
   He made it into the air and braced himself as the rockets boosted him forward. People were gathered below, seeing the heavily approaching planet. The timer on the rockets kicked in and they let out more fuel, making the car go higher. As Alex approached the planet, he knew this would end badly. He furrowed his brow and prepared for impact.
   His headache became severe and a white light blinded him momentarily. He felt his car crushing around him, but he didn't seem hurt. Maybe he was already dead and this was just his spirit. The next thing he felt was his stomach plunging into his throat as he began to plummet to the ground. 

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