Chapter 5

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  After a bomb ass birthday, Alex hit the metaphorical hay and went to sleep. Before bed there was a strange feeling in his gut and a headache pinpointed on his forehead. He furrowed his brow and toughed it out.
  The next morning, the pain had subsided, but the feeling in his gut remained. He got ready for school as he usually would and pushed the feeling away. He grabbed a quick snack for breakfast and hurried out. He looked up at the high morning sun with a squint. The pain from the night before reoccurred.  He looked away and got in the car. Maybe it was an issue with light sensory or something.
  He pulled into his temporary parking spot and walked in the building, ignoring the light on his back.
  Why does he have such a strong feeling in his gut though? Hopefully he wasn't coming down with something.
   Days passed like this until he decided to get it checked out at the doctor. Of course, nothing seemed to be wrong. Typical. Knowing his eyes and brain were okay and that he didn't have a virus of some sorts was reassuring though.
   Though, this bothersome pain from the sunlight made him walk to his classes faster so he could get a seat away from the windows. This helped it.
   Why did it only hurt when he glanced at the sun? Was it something to do with the eclipse yesterday?
Could be some type of elongated whiplash. Any excuse was better than literally nothing. Smh Texas medical help. Smh.

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